The battle

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I look at the map as it turns into a 3D version which in turn morphs to the actual battle field and follows the flight of the Griffin. It soars towards Edmund who is in full armour on the rocks above the field. Then it flies down to me and Oreius where waiting on the small mound in front of the army.
I'm fully armed and on a white unicorn. (I know, seems crazy, but it's true)

"They come, your highness, in numbers and weapons far greater than our own." Gryphon said.

"Numbers do not win a battle" Oreius responded.

"No. But I bet they help." I said.

The Witch's army arrives, with way more numbers than mine, and three Giants.
The Witch rides up onto her own mound in a chariot pulled by polar bears. She's wearing a chain mail dress, a gold headdress, Aslan's mane hangs from it.

Third person
The two armies face each other. Peter looks at Edmund on the hill, who nods down to him. He then draws his sword, a trumpet sounds, and his army cheers.

"I have no interest in prisoners. Kill them all." The Witch demanded.
Her army advances, and Peter gives a signal.

Mr. Beaver is standing in full armor, next to Edmund.
"Go on!" He said.

Griffins from Peter's side mimic the air raid scene by dropping boulders on the oncoming army attack.

"Look to the sky!" Otmin said.

Dwarfs start firing arrows, boulders fall on the attacking army.

Peter turns to Oreius.
"Are you with me?"

"To the death." Oreius responded

"For Narnia and for Aslan!" Peter shouts, charging towards the attacking army, his army following suite.

"Go! For Aslan!" A faun said.

Back at the stone table, that morning
Lucy, Susan, and I, who had fallen asleep over Aslan's body, wake up.

"We should go." Susan said.

"I'm so cold." Lucy said, shivering.

"Me too." I said.

Susan helps me down the steps as I help Lucy down too from the Stone Table.
We start walking away, when the earth starts to shake.

Susan looks at me.
"Y/n, what are you doing?"

"It's not me!" My wand's in my pocket!" I said.

All the sudden there's a cracking sound, and we all fall over.

"Susan, Y/n!" Lucy said as she looked back at the Stone Table.

"What is it?" I ask.

We then got up and walked back to the Stone Table, which has cracked and from which Aslan's body has disappeared.

"Where's Aslan?" I ask.

"What have they done?" Lucy asked.

The sun suddenly shines brightly on our faces as we look towards the archway. Aslan appears with a nice new mane, and he is also a bit larger than before.

"Aslan!" We yell as we run around the table and throw ourselves at him, Aslan laughs.

"But we saw the knife. The Witch." Susan said.

"If the Witch knew the true meaning of sacrifice, she might have interpreted the Deep Magic differently. That when a willing victim who has committed no treachery is killed in a traitor's stead, the Stone Table will crack and even death itself will turn backwards." Aslan said.

[the lion the witch and the Wardrobe] Edmund x reader {completed}Where stories live. Discover now