More Things GCPD Officers Have Seen The Batfamily Doing

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ª Watched Nightwing and Red Hood get into a fistfight and quoted Nightwing saying, "Out of all of us, you have the biggest daddy-issues!" To which Red Hood responded with, "Bitch I might have the biggest daddy-issues, but at least I didn't fuck-off to another city because I was angry at him! I just fuckin' died!"

ª Nightwing was very offended at the statements.

ª They continued to roll around until a young girl dressed in all black walked in and hit both of them on the neck, effectively knocking them out before turning to the first responding GCPD officers and going, "Sorry for the disturbance."

ª She picked them up by their collars and drug them out of the building.

ª Saw Red Robin motioning to a poster-board he made (which to be honest, looked like he made it in five minutes) saying that crime was so ridiculous in Gotham, that everyone was an idiot to stay there.

ª It should be mentioned that he was extremely jittery, so everyone assumed he was on a caffeine-bender.

ª He paused five-minutes into his speech and downed two five-hour-energies, then kept on speaking.

ª He crashed on the floor ten seconds later.

ª Nightwing walked in, saw him, sighed and picked him up, apologizing to everyone for the show.

ª Watched Batgirl stand next to Batman and repeatedly ask, "What about now?" To which he kept grunting, "No."

ª She kept on until he looked at her and asked, "If I give you the keys will you go away?" "Is that what you want?" "Yes." "Then yes I will."

ª He gave her the keys.

ª Batgirl was seen two minutes later joyriding in the Batmobile.

ª It was the first time they'd ever seen Batman put his head in his hands and groan.

ª Saw Nightwing and Batgirl do the Cupid Shuffle before Red Hood and Red Robin jumped in and changed it to 'Crank That'.

ª They even got a few GCPD officers to join in.

ª After that they did the Cha-Cha slide.

ª Watched Red Hood sing 'Waiting For Superman' at the top of his lungs until Superman arrived.

ª Red Hood proceeded to ask, 'Yo Uncle Supes! Now that you're in Gotham...can you help me with something?"

ª Saw Red Robin look at Nightwing, wave his grapple and yell, "BAZINGA!" before hurling himself off a ledge.

ª Nightwing jumped after him screeching something about his grapple being the broken one from the cave.

ª Watched Red Hood walk into the evidence room, break the glass and take the katana collected from Talia al Ghul and walk back out.

ª He passed Sergeant Ernie on the way out, who pointed to the glass and yelled, "I just fixed that you ass! Come back here and fix it!"

ª Red Hood was seen an hour later replacing all the glass panes with sliding glass windows.

ª Ernie was satisfied at the fix.

ª But he still told RH to stay out of the evidence room.

ª Words were deleted from the former point for explicit language.

ª Saw Red Hood and Robin walk next to an open locker, only for RH to shove Robin in and lean against it.

ª After thirty minutes, Nightwing came in and told RH to move and let Robin out.

ª Red Hood responded with, "I have no idea what you're talking about."

ª Robin screamed obscene cuss words from inside the locker in response.

ª Again, GCPD was unsure what language he was screaming in.

ª But they're still confident that it was Arabic.

ª RH proceeded to open the locker and go, "OMG! Robin?! When did you get in there?!"

ª GCPD's SWAT team had to break up the fight between the three of them.

ª Watched Red Robin and Batgirl spit off a ledge and see who could make it farther.

ª They had to stop when someone below got spat on.

ª Neither of them could offer a sincere apology they were laughing so hard.

ª Gordon looked at them and said, "The next time you two hock-a-loogie on someone, I'm going to make you clean the bathrooms at GCPD."

ª Saw Gordon look at Batman and go, "You've got a problem Batman."

ª Batman merely sighed as he looked at his seven bickering kids and said, "I of them."

ª Watched Batgirl and Red Hood get into an argument over which song was better, '1985' or 'Stacy's Mom'.

ª The argument only ended when Batman walked past them and said, "You're both wrong. 'In Too Deep' is the best."

ª Both of them were too flabbergasted at the fact that Batman knew a Sum 41 song to respond.

ª Saw Red Robin attempt to strangle Robin after he asked RR, "Did your mother drop you on your head when you were a baby? Or have you always been this stupid?"

ª Nightwing tried to intervene, but threw his hands up and yelled, "Screw it! Fight it out! RUMBLE IN THE JUNGLE!"

ª Watched Black Bat walk into GCPD and put a suspect in lock-up.

ª Honestly, everyone was too terrified to try and stop her.

ª A wise decision.

ª Saw Red Hood, Robin, and Batgirl hanging out the windows of the Batmobile bumping 'Ridin Dirty'.

ª Batman was seen following yelling, "I'M NOT DOING THIS AGAIN! PULL. OVER."

ª They did not.

ª They played 'We Own It' next.

ª Watched all of Batman's kids stand on top of a building that had speakers wired on it, and sing 'Gives You Hell' at the top of their lungs.

ª Apparently, the gangs of Gotham joined in and it was recorded in the Guinness World Record as the largest spontaneous chorus.

ª Batman attempted to shut it down, but that plan went out the window.

ª They sang 'High Hopes' next.

ª Batman was actually impressed with that one.

ª But he groaned and still wished he didn't have kids.

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