"For The First Time" Chapter 9

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Dominique pov~

I stood there in awe. I can't even believe the sight that is infront of me. Jermaine always got some shit up his sleeve. I turnt around and he was grinning like he just got away with murder. I kinda felt my eyes water because this was the first time that someone has ever did something this romantic for me. It was something out of a movie or a dream. It was atleast 200-250 balloons floating in this room; there was a huge 3 tower cake, bags of clothes every brand you could think of and the best thing was the two puppies behind the gate in the kitchen.

For the fist time I felt like someone was trying to please me.

For the first time I actually felt wanted.

For the first time I was not afraid to be in love with the boy I've called my bestfriend.

I know youll are probably thinking, 'wow thats all it takes' but its dfferent. With Aubrey there was love with no romance. I always asked myself how could there be love with no romance? It wasnt like he couldnt afford it or we didn't want it. He promised me this but never gave it to me.

But Jay, Jay loves me and he is giving me romance. I want to give him whatever I can to show the same apperication he is showing me. I want to get caught up in his love tonight. Thats exactly what was going to happen.

Jermaine pov~

She stood there teary eyed for what felt like forever. I was going to hug her but I was scared. She broke out of her deep thought and took to steps to my face with a little smile.

I breathed a laugh when I notice the look wasn't of disappointment. But if it wasnt that what was it?

She placed her two small hands on the sides of my face and kissed my lips. This was not a kiss that I would give a family member or a friend. It was filled with lust and passion. We kissed for what felt like forever and stopped to take a breath. All of my questions were answered.

For the first time I was kissin a girl that I've loved since forever and I knew she loved me back and not just as a friend

For the first time I was allowing my self to be vulnerable

For the first time I was not afaid to love, after everything that has ever happened to me I was not afraid

"Of course" Was her response to my question on the cake.

"Be my girl?" is what I got on that 3 tower cake. I could never imagine myself trying this hard for a girl, and I can honestly say that Dom was different.

She grabbed my hand and lead me into the already decorated bedroom. Music was playing, it was dimmed with candle, and there was rose petals everywhere.

She turned around and smiled at me, to my surprise it was the best thing that could have happened all night cause I know she appreciates it.

We walked all the way in the room and I closed and locked the door behind me. Dom spun me around and lightly pushed me on the bed. The whole entire time we kept eye contact. She walked into the bathroom and closed the door. I prepared myself for whatever was about to happen.

Dominique pov~

I was trying so hard to look sexy. In the inside I was panicking, I was destined to make him as happy as he made me.

I looked around the bathroom and found a bag with a bra and panty set inside. I quickly ran a warm bath and put body wash in it to create bubbles.

There was a nice amount of water inside and I placed rose petals on top of the bubbles. When I was finished I stepped out of my clothes and put the set on. I put my heels on and prepared to walk into the room with Jay.

I opened the bathroom door and jay was already in his boxers texting on my phone. I started laughing then he noticed I was in the room. I waved at him telling him to come in the bathroom but he just sat up staring at me. I laughed again, causing him to smirk.

I just walked over bad grabbed his hand since my half naked body had him in a trance. I lead him into the bathroom and told him to get in the tub.

He took his boxers off and got in. I went and got the iHome of the desk and walked back in the bathroom.

'Body Party' by Ciara started to play so I started dancing to the music.

The song was ending so I stepped out of my little but of clothes and got in the tub with Jay. I didn't know what to do so I say there. He pulled me close to him and I was straddling him. I felt his friend poking me in my stomach and I jumped back.

He looked at me with apologetic eyes and pulled me back to him.

He kissed me, my neck and my chest then we made love

For the first time.

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