"Dreams" Part II Chapter 5

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Jermaine p.o.v~

I was parked in front of Dom ex-boyfriend place waiting for him to come out. He got into his car and headed for 95 he came out like three hours earlier than expected to leave for work but that's be happening the past 3 days. Turns out Dom was the side Bae, I knew it was too good to be true. He's been playin my bestfriend and imma handle him.

I continued to follow him, until he stopped at his side hoe house, but she wasn't there he left a note like planned.

So this is the plan, Aubrey is going to to 'kill himself'
I had one of the boys from the trap write up a letter in his exact handwriting. I hired someone else to get the side hoe away from the house all day. Then Durk is going to put the note in his house. We doing all this b*llshit just to make it seem like he felt bad for cheating on Dom and he ran himself off the bridge.

I continued to follow behind him he stopped to get something to eat. He rode to his job without even noticing I was following him the whole entire time. He went in and I sat for 9 hours waiting for him to come out. Before getting on the highway. He stopped at Wawa and ate his food I'm the car.

He pulled out the parking lot and got on the highway. I was ready for action, time to do what I've been waiting forever to do.

Kill Aubrey

There was hardly anybody on the highway, only bout 1 or 2 cars that were nowhere near us.

We were at a slight turn and I cut sharp infront of him cause him to swerve in a circle. He started following my car in the direction of the wall. I was speeding and so was he. I quickly turned, causing him to drive his cat straight into the wall then the water, knowing he died instantly from head injury. I rode away happy.


Dominique p.o.v~

-2 a.m-

I woke up & my phone was ringing, without looking at the screen I answer it.


"Speaking, who is this?!"

"It's detective Hall, I need you to come down to the police department to look at a body."

"Whattttt? okay I'm on my way"

-end of call-

I got up and put on my sweat pants and flip flops, brushed my teeth washed my face and ran out the door.

I got in the car and rushed to the police department.

Who dead body could it be that I'm about to view.

I finally arrived at the police station and a woman that works at Aubrey's job was arriving there with me.

I smiled at her, but she gave a a wicked glare.

I reminded myself to ask Aubrey about her later.

I walked in and Aubrey's older brother was there, my eyes started to water thinking that the body back there that I'll have to look at could be his.

I walked over to him and he told me that he was here to look at a body too.

"I'm glad all three of you are here" the woman spoke

"I'm detective Hall, can you guys come back to the lab with me."

I walked to the back with him and the two others, and I broke down at the sight of a cold and pale.

The woman from his job ran up and kissed him all over his face.

I got up and pulled her away from him, l looked at her face and it was covered in tears and snot. I smacked the sh*t out of her and she ran out of the police station holding her cheek.

Me and Aubrey's brother waled to the front desk and they showed us the letter he left before he died, it read.

Dear loved ones,

I left under a difficult circumstance. I've been stressing and struggling and I can no longer live this double life. I had two choices, to tell Dominique the truth about my mistress and be without her, or kill myself. There is really not much for me to live for so I have no problem taking my life. I have 350,000 dollars in the bank, give half to Dominique and half to my mother. This isn't nobody's fault, I just can't live with this guilt. Goodbye, I love you all.


I was shocked at what I just read and I was hurt that my love would never come back to me.




-what's gonna happen next ?

-will Jermaine get away with it ?

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