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I stir awake to someone moving me, I open an eye and see Ky, "Hey there" I mumble, he looks down at me briefly a weird look on his face, he takes me into one of the spare rooms and shuts the door, he carries me over to the bed and places me down. "Whats up?" I ask him a little wrried. He pulls at my top, "What are those" he glares at my collar and then points at my neck, "Bites" I mumble, "Who's" he growls, I wince at his tone and he sits next to me and gently cups my face, "Who's bites?" he asks me again, calmer this time. I sigh and close my eye's, "Liam's and Ash's" I say softly, I feel him become tense and grab him just as he's about to make a run for it. "Don't" I smile up at him, "They've marked you" he says looking me in the eye, "They've bitten me yes" I nod, "Marked, no" I sigh. "If they'd had marked me i'd have known since I control whether it's mark or a bite" I smile at him, "Will you let me mark you?" he asks, and I shake my head, "Why?" he says looking hurt, "I'm not ready to be marked and tied down for life" i sigh, he nods sadly. I sigh and hug him grazing with my teeth and biting him on the neck lightly, I don't mark him; just bite. He gasps and then sighs happily, I sit back and look at him, he opens his eye's and leaps onto me, his bright green eyes staring into my own. "Ky.." i warn him, "I know, I know" he sighs and sits back up, I look at him weirdly and he grabs my hand, I watch him as he lifts my wrist up to his mouth and kisses it, he then grazes his teeth over the skin making me bite my lip and then he bites down -hard- I wince slightly and he smiles pulling back and licking his fangs. I sigh and put my wrist to my mouth wiping the blood away. I stand up and leave the room as Jonathan alls me over, "The vans here" he smiles, he looks at me worriedly for a second but then smiles. He takes my hand; the one without the bite and we start unloading, after a while Ash and Ky come to help. When we have all the boxes in the house Liam comes out to help. As he passes by me he pulls away the plaster, "If you're showing theirs then why not mine?" he whisperes into my ear and walks off. I glare at him and continue to unpack. "I see you collected another one" Ash smiles and helps me out, "Whatever" I sigh and take the stuff into Jonathans room. "Ah, thanks" he smiles up at me as I enter, he looks at my bites and back to me, "Do you want a piece whilst you're at it?" I sigh, he stands up and walks towards me. "I'd rather bite you whilst you were happy" he smilles, I hug him and he strokes my hair as he holds me tighter. I rub my face into his neck and he laughs lightly, I can feel the vibrations from his neck and kiss it. He gasps and looks down at me, "Sorry, I couldn't help it" I giggle and he laughs. He kisses my head and then my arm, "'I'll bite here ok?" he asks looking up at me, I nod and he bites my arm, I see a little bit of blood flow from the bite and he licks it up smiling. "Thank you" he smiles, "No problem, i'm becoming the family meal here" I smile and he rolls his eyes at me and we continue to unpack.

By the time we're all finished it's dark and we're tired, we all say night and I walk in the direction of the shower near my room. It's weird though I haven't seen Shaun yet the others have seen him, I shrug it off and Liam stops me before I go into the bathroom. "Bite me" he says annoyed. "Huh?" I look up at him, "You only covered up my bite, you bit Ky and kissed Jonathan, what's so wrong with me?!" he whispers angrilly, I shake my head and hug him. "Nothing, nothing is wrong with you" I say burying my face into his chest, he sighs in relief and I look up at him and take his hand, I kiss his wrist before biting down lightly, "Not enough" he says. I bite down harder drawing blood out and licking it up, I swallow some of it and move away. "Better" he smiles and kisses me lightly, "See you tomorrow" he whispers and walks away. Damn his mood changes.

After i've showered again I walk into my room and snuggle up into my covers, I still when I feel an arm around me. "Hey there" I hear someone say, I look up and see Shaun, I sigh in relief and cuddle up to him, "Where have you been? You could have protected me from these bites!" I smile and bury my face into his chest, he wraps his arms aound me. "Sorry, want me to heal them for you?" he smiles and kisses my head. I nod and he does, as soon as he's finished, I feel much beter. "Now for the payment" he grins, I watch him as he comes closer and his mouth locks onto mine, I moan slightly as he forcefully pushes his tongue into my mouth and then he pulls away from the kiss smirking at me, he tilts my head up and bites my neck drinking some of my blood and then kissing me again aftering swallowing. I'm breathing heavily as I hug him and bite his neck, drinking up some of his blood. I sigh in contempt as I lay back on the bed with Shaun leaning over me. "I love the taste of your blood" he grins, "I love yours" I laugh and he kisses me again before laying down with me and hugging me. "Good" he smiles and we fall asleep in each others embrace.

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