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Silence; that's all that can be heard throughout the dining room...

"Well I can say that you've acted normally but childishly, Jon you take your lot and i'll take these" Shaun says standing up, Jon nods and take Ky and Liam out of the room. "What do you mean childish?!" Ash shouts, "I agree you are" Lacie speaks up, "What?! We've just found out that the person we thought we knew, wasn't who we thought at all!" he shouts. "She is who you knew, just with added touches" James adds on. "Added touches?! My childhood friend, my house mate, my sister even! Is a hybrid and I never even knew!" Sophie shouts, "See there you go again being childish" Shaun sigh, "I am not!" she shouts. "How can you call her all that?! When you find out who she really is and flip out! She didn't care that you were vampires did she?! She never judged any of you! And yet here you are, judging her in her own home! Forcing her to leave!" Shaun shouts angrily, "I thought you all were better than this..." he sighs and then walks out.

"He knows nothing!" Sophie shouts, "You both disgust me right now" Lacie says standing up, "What?!" Ash and Sophie shout out in shock, "Our precious friend has just told us one of her most well kept secrets and yet you throw it back in her face without a care!" Lacie shouts. "You disgust me! I hope that you apologize to Dess when you see her and if you don't then I don't think I can be near you again" she says walking out of the dining hall and into one of the other rooms. "I'm wth Lacie and Shaun on this one, you two are behaving horribly" James says shaking his head and walkling after Lacie. "I can't believe this!" Ash shouts and slams his hand down on the table. Sophie just sits in the chair and begins to cry, "They're right...What have I done?"

------------Meanwhile in the other room--------------

"Woah she was actually part vampire, how did you know?" Ky says staring at Jon, "It's easy to see if you watch her properly, Liam noticed also, right?" Jon says looking at Liam who nods. "Then I must be the thick one" Ky sighs, "Not as thick as those guys though" Liam says. "True, they have been friends for quite a while, I think for them not to notice is a little weird" he adds on. Jon nodds in agreement, "I guess?" Ky shrugs. "ut we can't just leave her to walk out like that can we?" Ky says, "Don't worry about Dess I know where she is" Shaun says walking around the corner causing everyone's attention to be on him. "Where?" all three ask, "Well I think her bike comes out of the hop today, so she's probably gone to pick it up and gone for a ride" he shrugs and puts on his shoes and jacket. "Bike?" Ky asks, "Motorbike" "Cool!" Ky laughs. "Wanna go see it?" Shaun laughs at him, all three nod and follow him outside.


"So she's all ready?" I ask Matty (The shop owner), "All up and running and ready to ride" he grins. "Awesome!" I grin and hand him the money needed, "Thanks" he nods and goes to put it away. "Well then i'm off to ride around then" I laugh, "Have fun!" he shouts back to me and I jump onto the bike. "Ah! I missed  you!" I laugh and pull on my helmet, "Let's go!" I smile and start the engine, I ride out of the shpop and drive around until I get to my road. I drive past and see Shaun, Ky, Jon and Liam al walk out and see Shaun wave. I ride around the block and come back to them. I pull off my helmet an sort out my hair, "You guy's leaving?" I ask, "Nah, we were going to come see you and your bike but it looks like you came to us" Jon laughs, "Can I come with?" Ky shouts happily. "Uh...Sure" I laugh as Ky breaks out into a massive grin like a child who's just recieved a lifetimes supply of sweets. "Climb up" I smile, he does as he's told and only needs a little of my help. "Want me to go get my helmet for him?" Shaun asks, I nod "Thanks" and smile, "No prob" he winks and then walks back into the house.


Lacie walks out and see's Shaun with the helmet, "You going for a ride with Dess?" she asks walking towards him, "Nah not me, Ky" he laughs, "Ah, is she ok?" "She looks it, but I bet she's torn up inside, I bet she wants to know how Sophie is" he sighs. "Probably" Lacie nods, "I-is that D-dess outside?" Sophie sniffles, they nod and see run's out of the door, they follow behind her shortly after.


"Oh my god! I'm so sorry Dess! I'll let you hit me across the ace! Go on! I deserve it!" Sophie cries as she hugs me, "Hey, hey! Calm down Soph!" I laugh and stroke her hair. "Do you forgive me for being such an ass?" she says wiping her face, "Of course, don't I always" I smile and she playfully smacks me on the leg. I look up and see Lacie and Shaun, I smile at them and they smile back. "Here catch!" Shaun says throwing the helmet to me and I pass it over to Ky. "You going for a ride?" Sophie asks, "Yeah be back soon, do me a favour? Clean up for me" I smile, she nods and steps away so I can drive off. "You ready?" I say to Ky, "Hold on tight!" I shout over the engine noise, "To what?!" he shouts back. "Me!" I laugh and he nods and wraps his arms around my waist tightly and we ride off. We only ride around the neighbourhood a little while before we come back.

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