Chapter 4

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Harry- I sit alone out side drawing when I hear someone coming, I turn my head seeing Ron come this way with angry with on his face and eyes "Ron what do you want, you better not be here for a fight or something because trust me you don't want too"

Ron- "Shut the fuck up you fucking bat whore, I thought you where my best friend but you went and got cosy with with the slimy snake didn't yeah you fuck attention seeking bitch"

Harry- "the thing is that I haven't spoken to any of the Slytherins at all really because I have been with Severus this whole time also as for the bitch part well that's standing right in front of me and as for the whore part thank you for complementing me"

Ron- "oh you fucking.." I go to punch him

Harry- everything goes slowly as his fits comes towards me then speed goes back to normal as I catch his fist within my hand crushing it smirking at his pain "I think it's snake time" I speed forward biting into his neck drinking him dry "that's what you get motherfucker" I kick his body into the lake after adding heavy rock attached to him "goodbye Ronald, have fun in hell" I say before cleaning myself up grabbing my drawing pad, pencils and colours before heading back towards the castle. It was lunch time, so I go into the great hall sitting onto his lap "the red bitch is gone only the real female red and bookward are left" I whisper

Severus- "good my little treasure very good, the potion within the cups will take place half way" I whisper to him

Harry- "okay master"I whisper back I see Hermione and Ginny get up and leave I wait for a minute or to before saying loud for the other Professor's and that to hear "I think I am going to go back to the Quarters, see you there in a bit love once you had your last lesson, I will do some reading whilst waiting" I peck him on the lips before skipping away downing into the halls going half way to the Gryffindor toward seeing Hermione and Ginny on the floor unconscious, I look around before grabbing their arms apparating down into the Chamber of Secrets I tie there hands up into the air and legs as well with them within the air a little. I pull out the potions living it to them making them wake up "wakie wakie's"

Ginny- "oh Harry I knew you didn't truly love the horrid slimy git, I knew you would save us again, come on love get us free"

Harry- I sneer smacking her "shut you stupid bitch who do you think go you down here tied up the bloody first place"

Hermione- "you"

Harry- "yes at least someone has some common sense unlike you, no wonder you ginny are Dumbledore's daughter, yes I know your mother cheated on your father and with another person who was a redhead too including had both you and Ron with him who by the way is dead by the way he attached me it was fair as this is for both of you Hermione you helped Dumbledore push me into those horrid adventures and you Ginny you tried to take my virginity you forced your self upon while after tying me to the bed at the burrow when you asked me to help you with something luckly I have wandless and wordless magic which helped my to untie my self as soon as you got my trousers off and was about to take my boxers off and knocked you out in time, Ginny you almost raped me without my consent which I tried to scream but you had a silence ward on the room which I know your mother put on because she allows you to have sex multiple times even with your own bloody real father even you have had abortions to get read of the times that you like to fuck without protections, same with you hermione your even more worser than her which I found extremely shocking at first but I kind if now get it now of you can call me a whore because truly your whores Ginny you have had sex with 89 men and 23 women since you where only eight and Hermione you have had 96 men and 57 women since you where eleven, come gale I have only had sex with one person one that's Severus no one else yeah I like being called a slut a whore and that but the true whores and more are in front of me, around me from day to day and one of them is in the lake, you know what I have had enough of you all" I magic up two knife standing next to each of them before cutting there throats standing back watching there life's go away before clicking my finger setting their bodies on fire. I clap my hands together like I am cleaning them "job done now, Sexy Times" I say at the end in a weird loud cheerful deep voice as I apparate into Mine and Severus quarter fixing my self up a raw pork sandwich (He can eat raw meat and a few other things) while waiting for Sev which didn't take long before having sex



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