Chapter Fourteen: Birthday fun- Part two

Start from the beginning

The moment screamed perfection, and I could have stayed and stared in his eyes forever. If we were in a movie, this would be the big kiss scene, but in real life there's always someone to kill the mood.

"Hey lover boy, you ready for the food yet?" someone shouts from somewhere in the back. The voice sounds familiar, and after a second I recognize it as Mark's. I have to bite my lip to hold back the laughter that wants to come out. Way to kill the mood Mark.

"Yea!" Cayton shouts back. Mark and Fran come in with a cart containing two plates of food, a chocolate cake with purple icing flowers decorating the top, and a bottle of champagne. I was tempted to ask if we could skip the food and champagne and go ahead and eat the cake, but I held my tongue.

"Aw, aren't you two adorable!" Fran coos, walking around the cart and giving me a hug. Her grey hair is tied up into a bun at the back of her head, a green flower sticking out of the side of the bun.

"Thanks Fran," I laugh, hugging her back as Mark puts our plates on the table.

"I hope you enjoy your meal! You have got yourself quite a catch young lady. I remember Mark used to do romantic things like this for me all the time. Like one year-" Mark clears his throat and tugs on Fran's arm, stopping her from continuing.

"Come on honey, lets give these two some privacy," he says, shooting me a wink. I laugh and give him a thumbs up as he drags Fran out, who is babbling on about 'what a cute couple we are' and how she's happy that 'Cayton found a nice girl like me'. I couldn't help but smile at that.

Cayton pours us both some champagne in our glasses.

"Happy birthday babe."

*Cayton's POV*

"There's more?" Macy asks.

"What? Do you think I would just stop at dinner?" I grab her hand and continue walking down the sidewalk. The sun has just set, the moon casting a dim light across the town. The few people out are mostly members of the pack, all stopping and staring for a second when they see me and Macy.

News of me finding my mate has already started spreading, after I called my mother and asked her for helping planning dinner. Like I had predicted, she wasn't too happy I hadn't told her sooner. After explaining to her that I needed help planning a surprise for Macy's birthday, she agreed to help, but not before she informed me she would be planning a barbeque for everyone in the pack to meet Macy.

I didn't get the chance to inform her that Macy is only human, and I still haven't told her I'm a werewolf yet, so now I have a deadline to tell her. Two weeks. The party is in two weeks.

"I dunno, I guess. Where're we going?" Macy asks, snapping me back from my thoughts.

"It's a surprise."

"Have I told you how much I hate surprises?"

"I figured you do."

"Can you-"

"No, I will not give you a hint."

"Ugh." We walk a little longer, in a comfortable silence, until we are on the outskirts of town. I turn off the sidewalk and towards the woods, where the final surprise of the night awaits. I'm actually proud of myself for this one. I got the idea for it earlier today, no help from anyone else. It isn't exactly 'romantic', but I'm sure Macy is going to love it.

"We're going into the woods?" Macy stops, giving me an uneasy look.

"Yes we are. Don't worry, the Boogey Man doesn't live in these woods," I joke. She rolls her eyes at me and lets go of my hand.

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