Calum Imagine 2

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You and you best friends Breanna and Amanda were sitting at your lunch table, Breanna with Ashton and Amanda with Luke; their boyfriends. You haven't told anyone yet, bit you kinda liked Calum, who was one of Ashton and Luke's best friends. Calum and his crazy haired friend, Michael walked over and sat next to you. Your stomach exploded with butterflies as Calum casually slung his arm around you. "Hey (Y/N). What's up?" He asked you. "Oh. Um... Nothing much." You answered. "You guys all wanna grab a pizza at my place tonight?" Calum asked the group. Everyone agreed as the bell rang. You started walking to class. "Damn it!" You yelled. You dropped your books for maths. "Need a hand?" A familiar voice asked you you turned around seeing that it was Calum. "Yeah sure. Thanks Cal." "No problem!" He exclaimed. You both headed into class realizing your teacher today was Mr. Chambers. He was really strict and if he caught you on your phone, he'd make you leave class. "Crap." Calum whispered to you.
You both managed to get through maths earlier. You followed Calum back to his place so you wouldn't get lost. When you got to Calum's place you asked "Where's everyone else?" "Oh, um... About that... I kinda told them not to come because I wanted to hang out with you." He said nervously. "Why me?" You half whispered. "Because... I-I... Um... I like you (Y/N)." Without thinking, you pressed your lips to his. at first he must have been shocked because he didn't kiss back, but then he moved his lips in sync with yours, cupping your face in his hands. This was all you ever wanted. Saying that you kinda liked Calum was definitely an understatement. "Cal?" "Mmm?" "I love you. Like a lot." "I love you too (Y/N). Like a lot." He said mimicking.

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