Chapter 3

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I gave you my precious time when you needed someone beside you.

But you were only alone because she's not with you.

Do you know how hard I ran to you and how fast I rushed over just to not let you feel lonely even a minute more?


"Why the hell are you calling me?" I questioned without waiting any second longer after taking the call.

Why would he call me when he was supposed to be having a dinner date with her?

If he wanted to show off how happy he was with his girlfriend right now, I'd be happy to throw my phone right outside the window of this high-rise cheap apartment I was living in currently.

"Hey, I wonder if you want to help me finish this dinner I cook?" his voice was lack of spirit and I immediately knew that everything had went south.

"What happen?" I whispered, changing the tone of my voice abruptly, immediately concerned about the boy.

"She suddenly got things to do so...yeah. I cooked too much though, thought you might want free dinner today," he answered, and I knew he was wearing a pained smile on his face from his voice.

She really bailed on him just like that.

What a bitch.

She didn't know how much effort Jimin put on planning the dinner date.

How he bought the decorations and decorated his house himself.

How he learnt to cook the pasta and steak himself.

How he learnt table manners just for this night.

How hard he cleaned the house to make the environment more - uh - I don't know, romantic? - for the night.

Releasing a silent big breath out, I tried to calm myself down from being too agitated and frustrated at how Jimin's  efforts were left unappreciated just like that for their I-don't-know-how-many-months anniversary.

"Do you want a big ass bucket of ice cream for desert?" I asked soft, knowing that the boy need someone to comfort his hurting heart.

And I was willing to do that for him.

Even if my heart was hurting because I knew, that I was nothing but a replacement.

But I'd still do that for him.

Because I like him.

"That'd be awesome, Y/N"

"Don't even think to start eating without me, Jimin. I'm dead serious," my playful warn thankfully earned me a chuckle from the boy, and I eased up my tensed shoulder a little when I heard him.

"I won't, I promise" he gave me his word and I smiled, hearing the tone of his voice getting lighter than the beginning of our call.

"Good, I'm hanging up now," I told him as I gathered my keys and purse, and walking towards the front door in quick steps.

"-'kay. Be careful," upon the sound of the beep informing that he had hung up, I was already out of the house without even wearing my jacket properly, rushing to the closest convenience store to find Jimin's favorite flavor of ice cream to cheer up the boy for the night.

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