Act One

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(Opening shot: the exterior of the Ressha. Zoom in slowly and dissolve to Hiromu on the roof, watching the sunrise. he has donned his Go Busters jacket, which he did not wear while sleeping. The breeze toys idly with his hair and jacket but his concentration is focused on his marked forearms. Cut to his perspective of one of them, tilting down from wrist to elbow, then back to him. The brand across his forehead has faded out.)

Right: (from o.c., quite chipper) What are you doing up so early?
(His voice startles him into covering up both arms; now he walks up from behind.)

Hiromu: I could ask you the same thing.

Right: I love sunrise. The promise of a new day, anything's possible.

Hiromu: You always so cheery this early?

Right: Pretty much. Looks like it's going to be a beautiful day.

Hiromu: Yeah. (smiles) Hungry?

(Dissolve to a close-up of some nameless brown glop, five puddles of it, smoking and bubbling angrily on the kitchen stovetop, then tilt up to frame Hiromu staring worriedly at the lot. His markings have subsided. He might be trying to make pancakes; if so, the experiment appears to be a complete failure. One of them pops up a short distance and is regarded with some unease by Right when he pokes his head out from behind him. Finally, he pulls out a spatula and flips up one serving with considerable effort; the edges have burned and stuck to the surface. It sails across the counter toward the gape-mouthed Right, who sidesteps just in time to catch it with his plate instead of his face. However, it is so heavy that he is pulled off balance and down to the floor, and he stands up with his mind still reeling a bit.)

Right: Nice flip.

(Mio, Ryuji and Kagura pop up behind him and peer cautiously toward the evil brown mush. Briefly giving the quartet a funny look over his shoulder, Hiromu carries over a dish piled high with the food and smiles.)

Hiromu: Morning. (His perspective of them.)Pancakes?

(The four are puzzled; Mio's evaporates right away.)

Mio: Uh...thanks? (The other three disappear.)

Kagura: Um,What is the occasion? (Back to Hiromu.)

Hiromu: Can't I just do something nice for my friends?

Ryuji: Um...yeah, but...

Mio: ...You never have before.

(Lightning strikes in the kitchen and clears to show a slightly freaky sight gag. He aims a squint-eyed grimace toward the camera while the two Toqgers stand in the background with their backs to him. More bolts crack out as a smile stands on Mio's head. The gag ends with one more strike to show the four nervously beaming diners at the counter; each now has a full plate.)

Mio: Guess there's a first time for everything.

(she voices a little chuckle, whereupon they begin to chow down. The crunching sounds from within their mouths tell right away that her experiment not only looks like a failure, it tastes like one as well. Close-up of Kagura's flushing face at one end of the counter, panning along its length. Right's eyes narrow to points, Ryuji loses his fork with a gummy-mouthed shudder, and Mio's utensil just hangs between her teeth. After a long moment, she lets it drop and her cheeks bulge out of all proportion as she struggles to keep from tossing her cookies on the carpet. The next things to happen, all in the space of about one second, are the fainting of Ryuji and the ducking away of Right and Mio to heave their guts.)

(These last two straighten up, drooling a bit. Sight gag: Hiromu turns away, crushed, and a storm cloud forms over his head. Mio slides down the floor almost immediately, while Ryuji struggles back up.)

Ressha Sentai Toqger 2:The End of the World Part 1Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora