Shade 8

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Why am I here? Jesus Christ why am I here? I walk across the marble tiles of the lobby of Grey enterprise, and go directly to the top floor once I'm in the elevator. I sip my Gatorade and fix myself in the elevator door mirrors. Why am I here? I walk across the office not bothering with the lady at the front desk and basically let myself into Christian's office.

"Miss Hastings?" Christian seems surprised that I'm not accompanied by an assistant. "I'm very glad to see you again," I look at him confused, but I stay quiet. "Please take a seat," he says.

"Actually I'll stay standing," I say. He raises his eyebrows as if surprised I don't obey his every whim. "Why did you want to see me?" I ask him.

"To explain the wasted time," Christian says calmly.

"If you need money I can get it to you later. I just don't have-

"I don't need your money. I need you to sell your designs," he says. I furrow my eyebrows. "I have worked with you on too many things not to go through with my plans so I want you to sell them and find a different name to put on the tag that isn't my own."

"You want someone else to take credit for my work?" I ask sounding more offended. This seems to throw him off.

"I thought you'd be pleased?" He questions. I almost laugh in his damn face.

"Why the fuck would I be pleased?" He raises his eyebrows at my attitude but I can't help it. I can feel myself start to shake from anger. "No really, explain this to me because I'm a little confused on why I would put my heart and soul into something I'm extremely proud of just for someone else to take the credit and what? I sit back with a couple hundred dollars while you get rich off the sales of my work? Mr. Grey I think you are mistaken," I start to get up and walk out, but I stop at the door and turn back to look at him. He hasn't moved and doesn't look like he has anything to say. "If you fired me because you were worried about our professional relationship cause you are with my roommate you should really think about your priorities. You are very attractive but you shouldn't be scared that I will step over any lines. Ana is one, of not my only, best friend and it's extremely disrespectful and rude of you to fire me because I went to your apartment and worked on some sexy underwear with you. That's my job now, thanks to you by the way. That shouldn't mean anything other than two coworkers actually working."

"I wasn't worried about you crossing any lines," he says causing me to stop from opening the door as he gets up from behind his desk and walks towards me. "I didn't like you asking questions. Being so comfortable around me," he adds. I furrow my eyebrows.

"Is that why you fired me? Because I'm not afraid of you anymore?" He couldn't have fired me because of Ana. He just couldn't have. So I'm blaming him now.

"No that's not-

"Because if you remember correctly you are the one that wanted to get to know me. You brought down a wall between us and sorry if that was too unprofessional for you, but that doesn't give you the right to fire me then ask to buy my work."

"You're Right," he says simply.

"And furthermore i told you to fuck off and-" I stop realizing what he said. "What?"

"I said you are right. I wanted to get to know you to try and get to Anastasia, but it ended up making me nervous for our professional relationship."

"You were nervous?" He nods slightly. "Of me?"

"More for you," he says. I look more confused. He isn't really making eye contact with me and he seems uncomfortable. God forbid someone hear his feels right? "I don't really do relationships. That's why Ana and I are always in a weird place. I don't work well with others and most people don't know anything about me."

"It's all those walls. Everyone has them," I say simply. "You could try and let some of them go for her," I say. He shrugs that off and shakes his head.

"I'm worried I'm going to cross lines with you," he says this as if he's been holding it in since he was born, but he's still calm. I raise my eyebrows as I'm a bit surprised. "There's something about you that draws me in and that's what makes me nervous for you."

"I think I should go." Is the only thing I can say as I put my hand on the door. He puts his hand on mine stopping me from opening the door and turns me around causing me to push my back against the door. "Christian," I say lightly. I feel him close to me his hand gripping mine pretty hard. I don't know what to do, especially when I feel his lips on mine. It's like a damn drug when I realize what's happening. I kiss back not worrying about what Ana would say. Damn he really knows what he is doing. I kiss him rougher maybe subconsciously wanting a little more dominance, but he stops me fighting back. He pulls away when I try again.

"What are you doing?" He asks me. I blink more confused.

"You kissed me," I say catching an attitude again.

"I know what happened." His Hand falls off mine and he backs away from me. "Why are you trying to be in control? That's not how this works."

"I like what I like. Next time try reading the person you wanna kiss. Also Ana's gonna be pissed and blame me anyway cause she holds you on a damn pedestal. Evaluate yourself. I'm not selling my designs, goodbye Christian," I say opening the door and leaving his office my shoes click clacking the whole way down to the elevator. I push the button and get in and turn and he has followed me. He gets in the elevator and the doors close.

"I don't like other people being in control," he says sounding a little angry. I raise my eyebrows and laugh a bit.

"Well you could've fooled me with that weak kiss," I say as more of a challenge. I remain looking forward but I see him stare in disbelief at me. He pushes the stop elevator button. I look at him and smirk a bit. "Problem Mr. Grey?"

"Weak kiss?" He asks. I nod. He loses his tie. "Weak kiss?" He asks again a little more aggressive.

"I mean you know what you are doing, but you are just a little soft. It's just a note. I'm sure you are used to a lot of fragile women and that's why you take it more easy," I explain. He seems a bit mad, but it's hard to read.

"You are crossing a line now," he says. I roll my eyes.

"That was crossed by you first," I say going for the go button, but he stops my hand by grabbing my wrist. I look at him and he kisses me again. He grabs my other wrist and pushes me up against the back of the elevator. I go to bite his lip and he fights me. He gets a little rough but I've had more than this. I push myself up and slip my wrist out of his grip. I grab his head and he smacks my hands away before I can push him against the elevator and he backs away from me. "Wow," I say more interested than impressed. "You really have to be in charge don't you?" He pushes the elevator button to make it go again and says nothing. "You really are quite confusing Christian," I add as the doors open. I walk out and look back as the doors close on him.

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