The End

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It's been like forever, hasn't it? So sorry about that; first I lost inspiration and then college happened- so basically you aren't going to get much more out of this story in particular, however I used the characters for a piece I had to write in Creative Writing and I figured I would share... But this is probably the last thing I will ever post on here, unless I come up with somehting good and have the motivation to stick with it! 

Thank you all for reading my stories and voting and commenting. It all started with my friends and I wanting to write fanfiction for one direction in 2012 and I can honestly see myself making a career out of writing, so thank you for the encouragement! 

So here it is, the final piece of this story! 

        The thunderous noise of the door slamming vibrates through the apartment, making me cringe as the sting reaches my ears. My body trembles at what just happened, my hands clammy, my cheeks tight and wet from the tears that continue to stream down my face. ‘Did we just break up?’ I ask myself. ‘Is it really over?”

The past 20 minutes play back like a film reel in my mind. The screaming, the crying, the ‘I can’t do this anymore’s,” the “you don’t understand’s.” My head throbs from the agony of it all.

            “Just go,” I remember him saying, his voice deep, filled with exasperation. “Leave me. Go live a new life with new friends. Find a guy who won’t love you nearly as much as I do. But know, the second you get on that plane, we are through.”

A huff of a breath scratches my throat. How could that be it? How could 8 years of love, of laughs, of the best memories end? I touch the bed next to me, where he just sat. Where he just sobbed, telling me he can’t loose me, that he won’t loose me. Yet, he’s gone. He left me.

            My heart clenches in guilt. He’s not to blame; none of this is his fault. I’m the one who is leaving, flying halfway across the world with no promise of coming back. In two days I’ll be in California, working for a major fashion company that will get me places, make my name known. How could I turn that down? How could I turn that down for a boy? ‘Not a boy, Tatum, the boy,’ I remind myself.


            A shiver runs down my spine as a blast of cold air hits my skin. I never liked planes- the smell, the feel, the leaving. I make my way down the aisle, finally locating my seat. As soon as I sit down, my legs start bouncing, my fingers tapping against the cool, metal armrest in agitation. After 48 hours of contemplating if getting on this plane was a good idea or not, I snap my seatbelt around me, the finality of it frightening. Taking a deep breath, I try my best to shake off the nerves.  

            “Afraid of flying?” I’m startled by the raspy, feminine voice, coming from the elderly woman beside me. As I turn towards her, she shifts her attention from the book she’s engrossed in to me. “Well, are ya?” Her hair is white, her face round. Her eyes grow as a nurturing grin turns her plump cheeks upright.  Just watching her sit there, waiting for my answer, calms me down.

            “No,” I kindly answer, gripping the armrest to hold myself still. “Just some tough goodbyes.”

            “A boy?” She pesters, leaning in towards me, anxious to hear what I have to say. I feel my cheeks start to warm and my eyes begin to water at her words. “Oh, sweetheart. I didn’t mean to bring up a sensitive topic.” She grasps my hand in hers; as if I’m her own child she’s trying to comfort.

            I bite back a whimper as I respond, “He didn’t show up.”

            For the next six hours, Rita hounds the whole tragic love story out of me. From our first date- a corny dinner and movie, to going to separate colleges- me at the Fashion Institute of Technology, while he attended the University of Michigan, to buying our first home together- an apartment in New York City; my life with Ryan spills from my lips unconsciously.

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