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So this morning I woke up with a 103.1 fever and periodically feel like I'm having a seizure because I'm shivering so much. 

I can barely do the homework I was assigned yesterday, so writing is not an option atm. 

In other news, though, I am probably getting my wisdom teeth out on Friday. Which sucks. Bad. Anyways, that leaves us until Tuesday because I'm going to need recovery time. However, all next week I'm going to have finals and midterms, so studying is a big priority. 

And then the next week I'm getting surgery on my wrist, which means I probably won't be able to type for like a week or so. 

I'm sorry that I'm falling apart, guys. Really. It sucks, I know. 

If I'm feeling procrastinatey, I will definitely try and post something

If not, have a great couple of weeks while I lay in bed, suffering, sweaty, and in unbareable pain. 

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