Chapter Two

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It was astounding how much loaning a pencil could do. I mean, I've never talked to Ryan before, but giving him a worthless writing utensil sparked up... something.

It was like everyday was something new... 

Day 1 (in accounting):

"Hey Tatum." I was shocked at how familiar the voice sounded. Like I've been listening to it my whole life. And even at his murmur for my attention, it sent chills down my spin. Hesitantly, I turned around to see Ryan smirking at me.

"Hi?" My voice was a squeak; he certainly wasn't talking to me again, right?

"I actually don't have a pencil again, do you mind lending me one?" He asked. I raised an eyebrow at him, but all he did was look at me pleadingly a little grin in his dazzling eyes.

"Um, sure," My voice raised up as I agreed, sounding more like a question than a definite answer. I reached into my bag, picking a beat up pencil again and handing it to him. "Keep it this time, you obviously need one." 

"But what's going to be my excuse to come over after school, then?" He seemed just as shocked at his words as I was.

I had to cough, reminding myself to breathe. Did he just say...?

"Wait.... what?"

"Babe, isn't it obvious, the kid likes you," Carson, one of Ryan's friends leaned over the red faced boy. Carson was attractive too; tall with big eyes and tan skin, even in the fall. But, not nearly as good looking as Ryan.

My eyes grew to an unbelievable size as I slowly turned back around, avoiding the continuation of the conversation. I must be dreaming. This couldn't be happening. Not to me, at least.

"Thanks for the pencil," I heard Ryan whisper behind me. My cheeks became red, and my hands sweaty around the grip I had on my own pencil.

So what? He just needs another pencil. That doesn't mean he likes you. 

Although, I kept repeating this in my head, I knew there was something that made these words untrue.

Day 2 (in accounting): 

"Tatum, want to see our GroupMe?" Justin asked, taking the empty desk next to me. I watched his thumb scroll upwards on his iPhone screen as a sly smirk played on his lips. 

"She doesn't." My head snapped towards Ryan, who was glaring at Justin. "And I swear to god if you show her...." He threatened. His jaw was clenched, his face beet red. Ryan was not playing around. 

"We can always just tell her," Peter offered, chuckling at the clever idea. 

"Wouldn't you like that Ryan? Then Tatum would know how big of a crush you have on her. And how you talk about her all the time!" Carson cooed, patting his friend's head. 

"Stop," Ryan muttered, punching Carson in the gut. Not too hard, but hard enough to make him hunch over. 

"Well you don't have 24 hands, so you can't stop us all from saying how in love you are with her." Lance teased from across the room. 

"How about how hot you said she was in that dress she wore yesterday?" 

"Or how adorable she looked driving past your house this morning?" 

"Okay! Enough harassing him," I nearly snapped. It was embarrassing enough to hear them talk about me as if I wasn't there, but I could tell it pissed Ryan off just as much. The guys eyes grew wide as they stared at the very rare attitude that I just released. "You got to stop teasing him. It's getting annoying," I said. 

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