As I lay bored in my bedroom, I thought about Taylor. I hadn't seen him all afternoon and I was getting worried. What was so important, that he couldn't tell me? We normally told each other everything but thinking that thought, I felt guilty. He had no idea of Luke and me.

We needed to speak about this. I wanted to know where he kept disappearing to and I also needed to tell him what was going on, I couldn't keep it from him any longer.

I put on my shoes and grabbed a jumper, since the sun was still shining brightly outside. I made my way down the stairs and since mum and where still working, there was Jessie's nanny Natalie, I had to inform I was leaving.

"Nat, I'm just heading out but I'll be back before dinner." I called out to her, heading to the front door.

"Okay dear, be safe and don't have your phone on silent," she called out, her voice coming from the kitchen. She was a wonderful girl, that acted way older than her age.

"Alright, bye." I shouted back before leaving the house.

I got to Taylor's house in no time as we only lived a couple streets apart from each other. It was no surprise to find Taylor's mum out in the front yard doing the gardening, she was an outdoor person who kept her garden in pristine condition.

"Hello Sophie," she said with a smile placed on her lips. She was a kind hearted woman that had liked me from the very beginning.

"Hi Susan." I replied, calling her from her first name. She had always told me to called her that rather than Mrs Owens.

"Taylor's in his bedroom, you can go right in," she said.

"Thank you." I called back quietly, slipping into Taylor's medium sized house. It was quite as Taylor was an only child. I ran up the long set of stairs to reach his bedroom but came to a halt when I heard a chocked up laugh, the only thing was that it didn't belong to Taylor...

I froze as I listened carefully to what was going on.

"No Taylor don't you dare do it," it was an unrecognisable voice but it seemed to be full of happiness as a laugh followed. I waited patiently, knowing how wrong it was to spy or invade someone's privacy like this but I couldn't help it. Was this the reason Taylor kept on disappearing?

"What's gonna happen if I do?" This time it was Taylor talking.

"I'll scream the whole house down," the boy replied. Who was this boy? And how did Taylor know him, he hadn't mention anything about another guy before.

"Fine I'll stop but you have to promise to be quite," he replied to the boy in a calm tone.

"Okay but please get off me, your crushing my stomach, your heavy." I heard the boy say and then Taylor laugh. Okay, the confirmed my thoughts that where telling me this boy was just a friend, he was something more.

I felt horrible as I listened to them and made my way to go back down the stairs. Maybe when Taylor wasn't so busy with another guy. It sounded weird to say but I didn't mind at all if Taylor was with a guy or even soulmates with a guy. Everything happened for a reason.

As I stepped on the first step to go down, I lost my balance, nearly falling down the stairs but I luckily managed to catch my self. That didn't mean I made no noise. I honestly had the worst luck. Hushed whispers where heard from the direction of Taylor's room and the next thing I knew the door slammed open.

"Mum I'm going to-" I froze as Taylor realised the person standing in his stairs wasn't his mum but me.

"Sophie?" He looked at me shocked and I looked at him embarrassed of being caught and also about what I was going to say when I explained my self.

"Hey." I replied trying to sound casual but my voice came out shaky.

"What the hell are you doing here?" He looked angry at me and my nerves bubbled up, making me spill my guts.

"I was worried about you so I thought I would come and pay you a visit and then I heard you talking to some guy. I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to hear you's but I was curious. I was going to leave but I tripped up in the stairs." I burst out all in one breath, making me take in a deep breath after I was finished.

Taylor's expression softened as he looked at me for a second, processing everything I had told him.

"Well I guess I have some explaining to do," he sighed quietly.

"There's something i've been meaning to tell you and it can't wait any longer," he carried on speaking.

"I've got something to tell you too." I replied, deciding that this would probably be the best time to reveal everything. He looked at me with a raised eyebrow.

"What have you been keeping from me?" He asked me. This was hardly fare, he had also been keeping stuff from me and I never pried.

"Um." I murmured, not sure of how to word my thoughts.

"How about we say it at the same time," he said and I looked at him confused but then understood.

"Okay.." I trailed off, not too sure where this was going.

"On the count of three. One, two three."

"I found my soulmate." We both rushed out at the same time but then froze when we realised what each other said. My shock didn't last for long as I thought about the boy, which was probably hiding away in his bedroom cause there was no other escape from Taylor's room.

"Who's yours?" He asked me with a serious expression. I felt uneasy, wondering how he would take that Luke was my soulmate. He had never been Luke's biggest fan so I knew his reaction wouldn't be positive.

"Luke hemmings." I said quietly and his eyes widened slightly in shock.

"W-what! How long have you known?" He said speaking louder. Now I'm definitely sure the guy in Taylor's room could hear us.

"Since Saturday and I've been meaning to tell you but I didn't know how." I tried to back my self up.

"That's so weird as both of you are so different but I can't say anything about different, I got soulmated to a guy," he said the last word quieter and I couldn't tell his attitude towards the subject but the glazed look in his eyes told me that he cared very much for this guy. That made me happy, Taylor deserved a guy that would treat him with the most love and kindness.

"Yeah, I know. Can I meet him." I said eagerly. I couldn't wait to meet the guy that my best friend seemed so dazed about. This type of thing didn't happen, everyday.

Taylor looked shocked again at my question but nodded slowly anyway.

"His name is Tristan by the way," he replied, saying his name softly.

I smiled, Tristan and Taylor matched together perfectly.


Guys Halloween update, which has nothing to do with Halloween at all. But anyway HAPPY HALLOWEEN guys. I am doing absolutely nothing because I'm too old for trick or treating and it sucks. Tell me if your doing anything interesting in the comments. Hoped you liked the chapter and thought the size was okay. I tried to make it long guys, I really did. Anyway though please VOTE, COMMENT and follow me.

I love you's

-Nisha x

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