Chapter 16

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Turned On

I know I misbehaved. And you made your mistake. And we both still got room left to grow. And though love sometimes hurts, I still put you first. And we'll make this thing work, but I think we should take it slow.

–– Ordinary People, John Legend

• • •


        AFTER I DISCOVERED MY PREGNANCY, I began to create a distance between Earl and I. I still need to think of an idea on how to break this news to him. Maxene threatened me that she’d tell him herself if I prolong the secrecy. I knew that she was serious about it.

        I’m enlightened though.  All those weird cravings, irrational mood swings and the inexplicable fondness I have for Jackson. They are all the basic symptoms of pregnancy. That thought didn’t even cross my mind. And never did I ever thought of taking contraceptive pills.

        Maxene is the only person who knows about my real state. The day after I discovered my pregnancy, everyone frantically asked me what was wrong. I cooked up a white lie and told them that it was just a mere headache. Thankfully, they all brought it.


        “There’s this strange glow on you, Zoe,” Ashley comments out of the blue.

        “Huh, what do you mean?”

        “I don’t know, you look... radiant.”

        I stare at her in bewilderment. “I really don’t get it. What’re you implying?”

        “You remind me back when my mom was pregnant with my sister.”

        I gulp nervously. How the hell did she notice?!  I didn’t even mention anything about pregnancy. I feign laughter to hide my nervousness “Ha-ha-ha. That’s impossible!”  I glibly exclaim.

        “Oh.” Her expression turns skeptical. “I see.”

        “You’re so silly, Ash!”

        I’m going to need more practice with this lying thing.


• • •


        TODAY IS GERALD’S BIRTHDAY and we all decided to have a little celebration. He said that he’d treat everyone in a buffet. I don’t want to go, but Gerald is persistent on inviting me over. The whole love department is present, Earl included.

        “Would you like a drink, Zoe?” Jackson offers.

        I shake my head. “No, thanks.”

        They all stare at me questioningly.

        “What’s with that look you’re all giving me?” I ask.

        “It’s just that, you’re usually the one who initiates on drinking. It’s just unusual for you to refuse,” Kent replies.

        Oh, yeah, I’ve earned the reputation of being alcoholic on this department. I should’ve expected the astonishment from their face. I heave out a sigh. “Well, people change,” I answer coolly. Well, the truth is, I’m three weeks pregnant and I’m not allowed to drink alcohol cause that’ll hazard my child’s health.

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