Surreptitious Phenomenons in Omenbrooke: Duncan

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By: Odaliz Toribio (Dan1mi) & Nathalie Cruz (Nattita_Annita)

{This story is written in the format of a journal, a summary of Duncan's autobiography and what he's been going through}

🚫{Before Reading, Take Caution}🚫

This story contains sections of suicidal and minor dark content.

(If you're struggling in any type of way similar to this story, please consider talking to someone and getting professional help. Please and thank you!)

{You have been warned.}


What am I supposed to start this with? I'm not sure.. I'm just doing this for fun. So, let's begin with simple introductions, I guess..

Hi. My name's Duncan Fletcher. Let's see-- I'm 18 years old now. I'm still in high school-- My Senior year, of course-- I live in a small city called "OmenBrooke", and I'm just now starting to figure out what I'm going to be doing for the rest of my life. I can't say much, because I've already accomplished lots of things, like getting a car, a place to stay by myself, and a pretty decent job. It must've be pretty easy for me, right? Wrong.

Maybe I should start this off from the beginning.


I kinda hate talking about all this. I grew up with a pretty small family: A mom, dad, and a brother. A twin brother to be exact, his name's Damian. I forgot my parents' names. I kinda wish I still remembered.

My parents decided to have a child a long time ago. One child. I was a surprise. Haha, surprise! Anyway, while deciding on one, they came up with a name and a few gifts, and they were super excited when they finally were able to make it happen. Until they found out the good news. They were having twins. I wasn't necessarily planned, but they still came up with an extra fitting name that matches well with my brother's. I was 5 minutes younger than Damian. We were a close, happy family and we only knew Spanish.

I was closer to my dad than any other of my family members. Sure, they all loved me, I loved them, but that's just how things were. Damian just seemed to enjoy Mom's company, kind of like a mama's boy. I somehow remember a small bit  of those good times, hanging out all together and having picnics. Making sandwiches.

I wonder where Mom is now.

Sent Away

I was diagnosed with schizophrenia at the age of 5. I was taken into an Orphanage and I had been completely separated from my family. Mom, Dad, and Damian vanished into super thin air. I can't say I remember much because I sadly don't. I know why I was there, but I don't really like talking about it.

I was sent there, that's all I can really say, honestly. I used to question why none of the other kids would talk or interact with me and it made me feel a bit left out. Kinda like an outcast. It's not like that really mattered anyways, because I had my own friend. A little stuffed teddy bear named "Teddy". My parents gave him to me for one of my birthdays. I forgot what else happened at that party. Did I have fun? Did we all eat cake?

Teddy's still sitting in my room somewhere.


As if this wasn't already difficult for me, I ended up being one of those "lucky" kids that got adopted (Yay me~!). I finally managed to learn some English, but I never actually spoke. It was like I was mute. I can still be sometimes. That's what Raine tells me.

Surreptitious Phenomenons In Omenbrooke: DuncanWhere stories live. Discover now