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I yawn and stretch. roger notices and asks me if im tired. I nod as im still yawning. "i- i think i'm gonna tuh- turn this off now..." i unplug my guitar and take off the straps to put it back up on the stand. i unplug my amp. "where should we put this?" he asks as he points to the drums. i was a bit zoned out before he asked me this. "uhh... just pusheverything to the- t- to th- the side of the room." I say as riger nods, and starts moving everything as i asked him to. after we finished packing up all our stuff, I laid down on my bed. roger came up and lay beside me. we laid there in silence, before roger turned to me to say something. "im... staying the night... right?" he asks. "yeah... sh- sure. if your p-puh- parents are o- ok with it." I say. "yeah my parents probably don't even know i'm not in the house." i smile when he says this. "juh- just to make th- things clear... we're just f- fuh- friends... were not... s-s-sleeping together... like that..." '' Oh! no. of course not... no..." he interrupted me. in my mind, that little voice says "yes!! yes it is like that you idiot..." i tell that voice just to shut up and not make things awkward between me and roger. after all, we are JUST friends... aren't we?


we sat there in silence for a few minutes. I think roger is already asleep. it's pretty dark in here. me and roger are already under the blankets together. im just about to close my eyes and go to sleep when i feel roger snaking over on top of me. I start panicking internally. he puts his arms around me in his sleep. I start panicking internally because i don't know what to do. I put my arms around him and pull him a bit closer for some reason. I really like roger. we lay there with our arms around each other as I drift off to sleep.

A/N I got this idea... cause whenever I have friends sleepover, I would usually have all of us (usually just 3 friends over) on one air mattress. I would wake up in the morning. stretched out over top of all four of them.

(this is the new *TIME JUMP* btw)

I wake up and notice that roger has rolled over to the edge of the bed, and has all the blankets on his side, leaving me uncovered. I never felt cold at all for some reason. "good morning roger" i quietly say. I don't even know if he's awake yet. he slowly turns around to face me. "mornin' bri" he says, just above a whisper. the slight rasp in his voice just makes me love him a thousand times more. we both get up and sit on the edge of the bed. "whats the date?" he asks. i check my phone. "it's september 15th... s- saturday" i say. "right... you hungry yet?" he asks. "no... you?" there's an awkward silence before roger shakes his head. "umm... i don't have any clean clothes... and I doubt you'll have anything that'll fit me since im so small... and you're like a fucking giant..." he says as he yawns and rubbs his eyes. I smile when he says this. "right... i- hmm... i might have s-something older... that- that i've just n-never gotten rid of..." i say. roger yawns again, and so do i. "right then... i'll check w-way in the buh- back of my dr-dresser..." I get up and slowly make my way over to it. my grandma is not awake yet. she doesn't set her alarm on weekends so she usually sleeps till noon. "what about th- this?" i ask, holding up an old Beatles shirt I used to wear when I was smaller... MUCH smaller... when i had shorter hair... "my car is still at the school isnt it..."


We ride my bike down to the coffee shop down on main street, Roger clinging onto me for dear life again. we walk in and go up to the counter to order. there is an old couple sitting at a table near the window, and they're staring at us. probably because of our hair, and my height. not many people in 2019 actually have poodles on the tops of their heads. "uhh, i'll just get a plain coffee... medium... 2 cream, and 1 3/7 sugars..." the cashier looks confused. I notice he has long hair too. i read his name tag, and his name is Freddie. he looks at roger confused. he taps the screen in front of him. "you said... 3 sugars?" he asked, confused. "no, 1 3/7." he looks extremely confused. "7 sugars????" roger looks frustrated. "nO,1 3/7!!" he almost yells it that time. freddie seems annoyed with roger. "aaannnddd... what would you like?" he turns and asks me. "uhh... d- dark roast coffee... 1 sugar, and 1 cream... uHh- mEdium..." freddie nods and taps his screen some more. "right... so that's a medium dark coffee... medium plain coffee... with... one... and three seventh sugars..." he stands there for a second... probably doing the math in his mind. we stand around and wait for our coffees. "h- hey r- rog..." i say quietly he looks up at me and hums in response. "w- what's your h- home like?" I ask him. "well... it's a hell hole. my family is abusive, and our house is a total disaster." he says. "in w- what way?" I ask. "it's always a mess. the only one who ever does anything around the house is me and it's only when im threatened by my dad to do it." he says. "2 medium coffees!" the cashier yells out to us. roger quickly gets up and walks over to get the coffees. "next time don't get something so complicated." the cashier says. "now whos is whos" he says looking at them. he handed me one and I took a sip. he took a sip of the other one and scrunched his face up. "yup... thats dark roast..." he says handing it to me. I take it and we sit down at the table by the other window. I watch the cars go by as I sip my bitter dark coffee. "so bri... what was your family like... before..." he says. I was kind of zoned out for a minute so it takes me a second to respond. "what? oh... i- i had a big h- house... I never had any f- friends... my mother had a little vegetable g- garden in the- b- backyard... and there were always s- s- scented candles buh- burning to help with my asthma... and I would s- stay in my room a lot of the t- time... writing s- songs... I never had any siblings... m- my mother had a m- a misscarriage w- when i was... m- maybe s- six years old... af- after my mom died... my dad got pretty d- depressed... h- he almost k- killed himself... I h- had to help him... and n- now he's in j- jail for fif- fifteen years..." I take another sip of my coffee. roger has been listening quite attentively. "yeah... I was an accidental pregnancy... im always told that i was a mistake... they always tell me 'oh we just got stuck with you accidentally' or... they always say they wish i was never born... and they get me to do all the work around the house, and then threaten to beat the shit out of me if i don't do it... and they most often do end up beating the shit out of me." roger says as he takes another sip of his coffee. "it was nice spending the night at your place... it was a lot quieter..." he says. "ugh and now i'm gonna have to go back to my hellhome of a house..." he says in a bit of a whiny voice as he rolls his eyes.


we head back to my condo on my bike. we head into my room and i get my laptop, some popcorn and a blanket out. "alright... what movie should we watch?" he asks as I throw the blanket over him. he's sitting on my bed. i sit down next to him with a bowl of popcorn and i get under the blanket with him. "something scary..." I suggest. I scroll through all the movies i've saved on my laptop. "the shining..." I read off the list of movies. "sure..." he says as i sit back up and otake some popcorn. the movie starts playing, and roger begins crunching his popcorn loudly.

im listening to Revolution 9 because why not...

also in the next chapter, we get more if roger's life at home, and we get a look at his family and how he's treated :/ its a bit over dramatic, but if this were a normal ass book with normal ass people, nobody would read it ¯\_()_/¯

also mclennon.

𝕋𝕠𝕠 𝕄𝕦𝕔𝕙 𝕃𝕠𝕧𝕖 𝕎𝕚𝕝𝕝 𝕂𝕚𝕝𝕝 𝕐𝕠𝕦 ~ 𝕄𝕒𝕪𝕝𝕠𝕣Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora