2023 A/N (nice to see u again)

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im back after uhhhhh what like 4 years? writing style's flipped poles. completely different. i think.

anyway if yall want a sample of my writing

its a super gory gritty scene from this other book im writing, cause you just know im a sucker for that kind of fucked up shit.

i'll put it in like the next chapter or smth.

anyway as for angelica, she actually came up and apologized in like 10th grade.

like i was walking home and she just came up and was like "HEY YEAH,,, LIKE IM KINDA SORRY FOR EVERYTHING I DID TO YOU~" and i was kinda like ok thanks... and then i kept walking home.

but now theres like a new issue.

the shit i was so worried about and venting about and all the shit i was just projecting into this book was so childish and elementary.

those problems were nothing. the bullying shit i deal with today is too much to even vent about in writing like this book. (this book, closer to the end, was like vent art in a sense)

i've got dick heads following me home in their cars, yelling slurs at me, throwing rocks...

2 of them went to jail thank fuck

people leaving me left and right all the fucking time man. i feel so hated all the time man. idk i just felt like maybe i could vent to my old followers and shit

like idk you guys still get notifs about new updates and releases right?

anyway yea shits been tough. i tried to off myself maybe 5 or 6 times. probably not surprising for someone who wrote about a freakin offing attempt at age 13. (i was 12/13 when i wrote this book, im 17 at the time of writing this a/n)

idk if i said that in a previous a/n or not and im too lazy to check.

lots of shits been bothering me. i feel like im being pushed too quickly to abandon my childhood and my liveliness and and my joy.

but honestly now that im writing that and thinking about it, i honestly dont think its even there anymore.

like that shit left me the second uhhhhh

yeah i actually took a pause there cause i was actually remembering the person who co-owned this acc wayyyyyyyyyy back then.

that didnt end well between us lol

and then like 2 days ago they added me on snap again and i was like wtf

anyway uhhhhhhhhhhhh

i'll add another a/n in like a year or something lmao

i'll post that other story i was talkin about in the next chapter for yall cause i think its pretty good.

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