Chapter 1- Who Let This Funky Little Green Man Into My School?

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Y/N yawned as the repetitive blaring of their alarm slowly edged their tired mind into consciousness, pressing their finger onto the alarm button and shutting it off. Y/N sat up groggily in their bed, staring at the wall in front of them for a few minutes, before sighing and swinging their blankets off their body.

It was 6:03.

The H/C haired human yawned once more as they stepped into their bathroom, peeling off their pajamas from the night before. Y/N brushed their teeth, took a shower, and styled their hair before checking the time on the wall clock they owned.


Once their hair was thoroughly taken care of, Y/N walked into their kitchen, intent on making breakfast. They opened the fridge, only to find they only had some milk and eggs inside, and maybe some butter. The pantry was similar, with only some oatmeal and ramen.

"Guess I'm having oatmeal today... Bluh," Y/N complained to themselves as they grabbed the tin of oatmeal, and began to prepare their morning meal. The perks of living alone.

By the time they had finished eating, it was 6:47.

'Not bad, Y/N, not bad,' they complimented themself, knowing that they had time to bike to school.

Finally, Y/N grabbed their school bag and a jacket, seeing as it was beginning to near winter, making the air outside slightly nippy. They grabbed their keys to their motorcycle and walked out the door to their apartment, locking it, and headed out to their previously mentioned bike. They put on the helmet that was in the trunk, mounted the vehicle and put the keys in the ignition, before turning it on and speeding off to school.

As Y/N sped across town on their motorcycle, they got caught behind one of the buses that would eventually drop off students to their school. Taking a look around for their surroundings as they waited for the bus to move again, Y/N caught a glimpse of familiar green skin. Soon, their eyes landed on the green alien, who was walking down the sidewalk in its shitty human disguise. Their eyes widened.

'It's the alien from last night...!' 

They felt their breath hitch in their throat for a moment as the alien turned to them, eyes glinting in interest. Y/N couldn't help but stare, as the alien stared back. Y/N noticed that the longer they stared at the alien, the more nervous it seemed to become, sweat starting to form on its forehead. To ease the tension, Y/N gave a friendly wave to the alien, before turning their head to watch as the bus began to move forward, and then they did as well, leaving the now confused alien behind.

Once they pulled into the high school (or should I say high skool) parking lot, Y/N was met with a bear hug from their best friend, Dib Membrane.

"Heeey, Y/N! How have you been?" Dib asked, a cheesy grin on his face. Y/N grinned back as they put their bike helmet back into the trunk of their motorcycle, "I've been doing well! I made good time coming to school this morning, and- OH THAT'S RIGHT! Dibby, there's something I NEED to show you asap!" They suddenly gasped, feeling around in their jacket for their phone.

"Why don't you show me in class? Or during lunch?" Dib suggested, adjusting his backpack, "I still have to show you the footage we caught of that ghost, after all."

"Oooh, I think lunch would be the best time for that, especially since Ms. Bitters will get PISSED at us if we 'interrupt' class."

"Fair point. Lunch it is, then."

As Dib and Y/N walked to their first class of the day, Y/N's mind began to wander, more specifically to the alien they had witnessed.

'Why is it here? Is it dangerous? Does it want to kill humanity or something? And why come to Earth of all the infinite amount of planets in the void?' they pondered to themself, hand gripping their cell phone in their pocket like it was a lifeline.

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