don't threaten me with a good time // panic! at the disco

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so this is the part where i go insane.

literally crazy.

switching personalities as it suited me.

became someone different every second just to keep you off my scent.

just to keep you looking at me.

to keep you calling. and you do.

to keep you breathless at my words. and you are.

to keep your friends glaring at me.

to keep you aching to touch the skin on my waist like i knew you wanted to like you aches to like you fought not to that night.

and i played with you because you hurt me. and it became a game.

and you became a pawn.

a piece for me to use. to show off. to show people. hey look. someone loves me. someone is driving themselves insane over me. don't you want to too?

and it worked like a charm. they went crazy in the same ways you did. desire and heat and lust and rejection.

and i went crazy in the way i did. changing and fading and sad and lashing out.

i wanted you to love me but you were too scared.

i guess it's all okay now.

because i'm crazy and better than i was before.

and now they've all seen you drive yourself insane and they want the same.

funny, the effect watching someone else fall in love can have.

so this is the part where i go insane. and i'm glad i did.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 30, 2021 ⏰

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