blood in the cut // k.flay

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you pretended to make it up to me in little bits and like an idiot i took them.

i had promised, after last time, that i wouldn't take pity pieces of people yet here i was again.

i wanted to kill you at every moment. avoided your eyes. and the urge to scream at you every time i saw you.

but then you smiled at me. said my name in that way. wore that hat and that t-shirt. gave me that curt wave that i knew meant more than anyone else knew. it was a language we spoke without words you and i but you switched the dialect on me one day and i got lost and you pretended like nothing had changed.

i was so angry until i wasn't until i was again.

i wish i could've just stayed angry. it would have made the world easier.

but it's never easy, is it love.

my valentine.

oh you loved me.

i remember that night.

you can't take those things back.

the words and the colors flashing through my mind as you let yourself speak. something you did so rarely. they don't know you like i do.

you were just too scared to.

i should've know not to mess around with stupid little insecure boys.

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