Chapter Nine - More Snacks.

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Chapter Nine - More Snacks
We were talking animatedly about the film when it had finished, recalling the funny parts while we finished off what remained of the snacks. I had no idea what he had done to the popcorn but it tasted amazing, it kind of had a hint of peanut butter. But there was evidently no peanut butter spread on top.

Whatever the secret recipe, I couldn't get enough of them. I was obliterating the tub while watching Colton's grand hand gestures as if he was physically acting out the film.

"And the explosions!" he said, smiling bright, "the explosions were epic."
"They were epic," I confirmed nodding, smiling at how childlike he looked.
"And the cars!" He shouted. I shook my head, entirely amused at his descriptions of the movie.

"And shirtless Rock," I added, smirking.
"An shirtle-" his eyes narrowed, "That wasn't that great."
"What? Of course it was great,have you seen those muscles?" I asked, flabbergasted.
He gave a shrug, "Those are nothing."
He smirked and whipped his arm up, flexing it to show off his muscles.

I shook my head, "Sorry Flynn, you don't have anything on the Rock."
His mouth hung open and his eyes narrowed. He stuck a finger in my direction, "One day, I'll make you eat those words."
I nodded patronisingly, "You do that, in the meantime I'll continue eating this popcorn. I think I'm in love."
He narrowed his eyes and tried putting his hand in the bucket to get some but I batted it away with extreme reflexes.

I snickered, "Just kidding, you can finish them off. I'm full."
I passed him the bucket, got up and stretched a very satisfying stretch. I began walking down the stairs next to the seats since the film had long finished.
"It's empty!" He shouted.
"Well duh, I wouldn't have given you it otherwise," my evil laugh echoed around the room.


We were currently sat on the sofa having a relatively deep conversation compared to what we usually talked about.

"What did you want to be when you were older?" He asked me.
"I actually wanted to be a lawyer," I said honestly, "I loved school and I honestly sometimes I regret not pursuing it, I think I would have really enjoyed uni. What about you? Did you always want to be a model/fitness expert?"
"The fitness - yes. P.E. (physical education) in school was always my favourite and I always have loved sports. I also get itchy and antsy after sitting down too long so I knew school was never really for me. It was a means to an end. The modelling was never a consideration. I was scouted while I helped coach an under 10s football club in college,"

"One of the parents in the crowd scouted for their modelling agency and before I knew it I had a shoot lined up. It was nothing more than a convenient way to fund my way through uni, it meant I could quit my part-time job at the diner I worked at since it paid phenomenally better."

"Wow," I said, amazed at the man before me, "Sounds like a real rollercoaster of an experience."
"Yeah," he nodded, "it was definitely a once in a lifetime opportunity, which was in part why I also took it. Knowing an opportunity like that would never jump on my lap again."

That's not the only thing that would like to jump in your lap, I thought.

"What about you, have you always been a photographer or?" He paused to let me fill in the blanks.
"Through college, I worked part-time as a receptionist at the minor injury clinic near my childhood home and then filled in any spare hours in customer service in retail. I did that for the two years of college and about 3-4 years after. I pumped my retail up to full time to fit around my part-time receptionist job."

"Wow, impressive. When did the photography come into it?"
"Well it was always a hobby during college and so I began my portfolio, incidentally, then. Family or friends weddings, housewarmings, birthdays. Whatever it was, I was usually the unsaid photographer. I did it purely for fun and because I had a decent camera that I got as a Christmas present. After an event, family would message me to see if I had any decent ones they could have, which obviously I gave them. And I kept them all,"

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