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"Okay, which one?" I ask the two fatigued man-babies on the red velvet couches as I step out of the changing room, showing them the outfit I'd picked out for Saturday.

I knew Van wasn't one for fancy or expensive outings, he's a simple man and to be honest I quite liked that about him because it meant I didn't have to go hunting around for some fancy dress to impress him. The nights had passed quicker than I'd wanted them to since he'd texted me the details of the 'date' we were going on, and without actually telling me what we were doing, he'd specified for me to wear anything I wanted to wear but it confused me how secretive he was being about the whole ordeal, I just wanted to know where he was taking me and what we were doing because just plain old anything wouldn't suffice- I need specifics.

I still had until Saturday, which was tomorrow, so I'd decided to drag Lois and Sam along with me shopping for something to wear. The boy with his hands cupping his face looked way too bored and I honestly couldn't blame him, shopping with me is the worst when I'm actually trying hard to find something I like.

If I'm being honest, I didn't exactly need to go shopping to find something 'date' worthy to wear since I have a whole room full of clothes that I could definitely get away within. But this was a date with Van, and I didn't want to try too hard just for him to take one look at me and turn back around. I couldn't deny that I was nervous, petrified even.

"It's just a fuckin' pair of jeans Lyla, why do we need to give yous an opinion?" Sam rubs his face dramatically as he hangs his head low.

Sighing, I look over at Lois who looks just as bored as Sam does but at least she's trying to look happy for my sake, "okay I'll just get changed and we can go yeah?" I say, a little disappointed that I couldn't find exactly what I wanted, but also a bit glad that we were leaving because Sam was definitely doing my head in with moaning about how long I'm taking, maybe he should've just told me no when I asked him to come along with us.

Shopping definitely wasn't something I loved doing, it was actually rare to see me buying clothes- it probably happens once a month, maybe even less than that. So I'm actually glad to be escaping the crowded stores to vacate somewhere else.

"Okay what's up your arse Fender? You've been a moody bugger all day and it's ruining the excitement" Lois says, probably thinking that it would get Sam to talk about what's bothering him because it's clear it's more than just me taking too long to choose a pair of jeans, but it definitely didn't get him to talk- it just worsened the mood.

"Nothing I'm just tired okay?" Sam replies, his tone sounds sad and dishonest as he shoves his hands in his pockets and walks a little in front of us. Lois sighs at his reply, clearly unimpressed by the lack of truth in it, but she chooses not to make a comment because it'll obviously just rile him up and cause a scene.


"So let's get this straight yeah? Van asked you on an actual date?" Lois asks as she buckles her seatbelt in the front seat, not even looking back at me as she speaks.

I roll my eyes jokingly at the question she's asked a million times already, although it did make me think she didn't believe someone like Van would ask someone like me on a date, "yes, now get us home you idiot" I laugh to cover my slight insecurity about her doubts, but to be honest I kinda understand where the surprise in her tone is coming from- even I'd doubted this whole thing.

"Who is Van anyway?" Sam pipes up, his bad mood suddenly drifting to a good one in the space of seconds.

Lois obviously has to answer, "her soon to be boyfriend" she says and I catch her winking in the rear view mirror and I roll my eyes at her comment, knowing full well he isn't my boyfriend and he probably won't be either.

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