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The week passed by the speed of lightning, and before I knew it, I was already starting my week-long holiday off work. I don't exactly know what I'm supposed to do during the days I'm not at work, I'll probably get way too bored, but I suppose staying home and watching tv with the dog is way better than work. In fact, I'm pretty certain anything is better than work.

Slithering out of bed, I grab the clothes I'd thrown over the back of my chair last night in early preparation of today, taking them with me to the middle of my room where I can get changed with ease. I only threw on a plain black t shirt and jeans, my usual outfit, along with my worn out boots that I can't seem to make myself throw away. I should probably do a bit of shopping today, buy some new ones whilst I'm at it.

Both my parents are out again, as usual, so it's just me and my dog left in the house. I feel extremely bad for leaving him at home on his own all day to do the shopping, but sadly I can't exactly take him into the mall with me.

Obviously I can't drive, after failing my test three times, so I take the train to the shopping centre, listening to music on the way there. Looking out at the passing trees kind of makes my head spin, but I still stare out of the window because it's peaceful and I don't exactly have anywhere else to look, unless I just gaze at the old lady that came and sat beside me a few minutes ago, despite there being plenty of empty seats around the carriage.

After shopping for a while, I grab a coffee at the nearest café, but I don't sit in because I'd much rather look like I'm actively doing something other than sitting alone in a café drinking a coffee, which actually burnt my tongue on the first sip. Thankfully, the mall isn't as packed as usual since it's a Monday and most people would either be at work or they probably just came the day before when everyone else comes.

Minutes turn into hours and sooner rather than later, my hands are packed with bags and I'm struggling to get them all onto the train. Finally after a few minutes of hassle, I'm able to drag them on board, practically throwing them all onto one of the double seats, sitting myself on the one beside the bags. The train isn't full at all, there's probably about three other people in the carriage I'm sat in, so I can happily put my music on in my ears without worrying about anyone trying to sit beside me due to the lack of free spaces.

When I eventually get home, my parents still aren't in and I'm assuming they won't be in for the rest of the night. Although, I'm not exactly alone. Domino is extremely happy to help me struggle up the stairs with the bags, jumping up at my legs almost knocking me over. I finally make it to my bedroom and I empty the bags onto my bed, only to find out that I hadn't actually bought as much as I thought and I could've easily fit it all into two or three bags instead of using five and struggling to carry them all at once. I shake my head at my stupidity, holding the clothes I'd purchased up to my body to see how they'd look in the mirror, I didn't have much time to see how they looked when I was actually in the stores.


After cooking a frozen pizza for dinner and putting out some food for my extremely hyper pet, I settle into the living room sofa, along with Domino, and turn on the TV. Waiting for my parents to turn up, or at least of of them, I decide to put on a film rather than a show and after a few minutes of difficulty choosing a good enough movie, I finally settle on Spider man.

It doesn't take long for the movie to be interrupted by the sound of a car door slamming outside, presumably my dad since my mum wouldn't dare slam her door, fearing she'd break it or something. My suspicions were proved right not long after, when dad walks through into the room I'm comfortably sat in with a bag of takeout food. Sitting himself in his usual spot on the smaller sofa opposite the one I'm seated in, he begins to make as much noise as one possibly could eating. It doesn't take long for me to get fed up and move myself and the dog into my own room. I'm sure he does it on purpose just to get rid of me. I can't wait for the day I finally move out. Finally I'll get my own space without my dad always bothering me with his loudness and his slobbish, lazy ways.

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