chpt 25 - my daughter

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Carnias POV

I.......... Am actually not dead. The detective that was spotted following me got caught red handed as a guys walked by me and he purposely bumped into whispering "someone's following you" I'm actually really grateful that the mysterious guy said that to me.

I obviously confronted him and said if he wants to continue to watch over me he has to go back and tell Xavier that I'm dead. I know I know that I'm being a little harsh... Well actually I'm being really mean but I haven't got what I want yet, I still haven't got enough of my freedom.

So the operation of removing the tumour was miracly successful and so I'm here today. Yes after the operation looking myself in the mirror with the scar on my head wasn't pretty, my hair was also all gone so before I come back I at least wanted my hair a little longer since it grew a little the past year and a coupe of months.

I'm so happy god gave me such a beautiful baby girl and I did name her after Xavier last name since he is still my you know what and we are still together. I'm not running away, I will come back like I promised but not just yet...

Xaviers POV

Its been 3 days since I heard the new of my wife dead (A/N I'll just make him call her that be side technically she is) inside of me still hasn't processed the fact that the love of my life is dead. I don't believe it.

I asked the detective to tell me where she was burried but he didn't.
"Sir it is best if you don't know because she wouldn't want to see you like this Infront of her grave"

"FUCK YOU AND YOUR OPINIONS, DID I FUCKING ASK FOR IT?" He walked out the door and that you as it... No it's not, I pick up my phone and dialled my personater PA and asked him to find details of at least my daughter.

"Sir I'll try" he said through the phone.

"I DONT WANT TO HEAR A FUCKING TRY I WANT TO HEAR RIGHT AWAY SIR" I think I have gone made... I could hear his shivers on the other line but before I let him say anything I hung up.

The whole afternoon all I did was pace back and forth. Why is this pa so low at shit that needs to be done asap?.

*Ring ring*

"Did you find what I asked?"

"Sir apparently Lola your child got adopted by a carnias long lost brother" wait what the fuck? Carnia has a brother

"Find his where abouts and send it to me asap" and there I hung up. If carnia really had a brother why would he show up now?

My p.a sent me the address and I sped to the destination in a blink of an eye. I stood Infront of the door and with one last breath I knocked on the door but there was no answer. I knocked again but this time harder and louder.

"Anyone home?" Then the door opened and there stood right Infront of me was carnia. She was beautiful as ever and wearing a beanie. I guess because of the operation her hair had to be shaved off.

"I----- um.... Can I see our daughter?" I ask not knowing what to say.

"Sure just give me a second." And she went back inside leaving the door open and so I entered and walked down the hall way to the lounge room.

Carnias POV

That was such a surprise seeing Xavier I front of my door. I thought it was the pizza delivery man but when I opened it he was there. I didn't really know what to say so I just stood there looking at the ground. He probably thinks how ugly and dumb I look especially like this, but he broke the silence and asked to see our daughter.

I went inside and grabbed her from her cot and carried her down carefully to her father. She is only one so she won't really understand whats happening, I hope.

" Do you want to hold her?" I ask as I stood Infront of him with Lola I. My hands.

"If you allow then yes please" I handed her to him showing him how to carry her properly in ade it's uncomfortable or unsafe how he holds her. But instead of holding her like in a rocking manner he hugs her tightly and said "my beautiful princess, I am so happy to finally meet you"

This scene is to heart breaking, inside of me feels so bad for breaking apart the father and daughter relationship, and yes a year rolled down my eye as I quickly wiped it away.

Authors note

I am so sorry I haven't been updated lately on this book. I just felt so stressed on how to continue to write this and not make it so weird and so, but overall I hope this is ok♥️

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