chpt 3 - deal

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Carnias POV

The elevator stopped and the lights went out... "Ahhhhhhhhh", I'm scared of the dark, I crouch down in the corner of the elevator and soon everything was blocked out and I couldn't think straight. Someone quickly knelt down and wrapped me with their arms...

"It's going to be ok" thats all I can hear from the person, I felt like I was going to faint but the embrace of this person made me felt at ease... I felt my heart started beating more steadily and I can breathe a bit better as well.

Then a bright light shines as the elevator door opened and people came rushing in to help me....

"No I will take her, I don't need all your filthy hands on my woman" I know that I'm 99-100% about to faint but I'm pretty sure that what I just heard was right.

I felt someone lifted me off of my feet and got into a car and from there on I don't remember anything... A few hours later I woke up to a large figure next to me holding my hand...

Uhhh my head hurts, I slowly tried to get out of his grip but he held on tighter.

"Please don't leave me... Come back Carnia come back..." This man, I mean my boss is dreaming about me? Ooooof am I really part of his past? I must be the nightmare part since he doesn't look to good.

"Mr Mr King wake up" I lightly touch him with my other hand and he slowly rises up.

"Your awake, oh thank God you scared me...., I mean if anything happened to you who's going to be going your work?"

"Oh I'm so sorry Mr King I'll go do it right now, I feel fine"

" No your going to stay here and rest until the doctors tells you that you can leave."

"There's no need for that Mr King it's just a waste of time..."

"Stop fucking calling me Mr King my name is Xavier and I'm your boyfriend, so get your facts right and listen to me, stop being so stubborn god darnit" he looks real mad,  I should add fuel to the fire.

"Um ok I'll stay here mr--- Xavier, thank you for accompanying me but you should go back, because your a busy man and I don't want to waste you precious time"

"You are the precious time... Now have some rest and Ill go get something for you to eat" why is he being so nice to me? So I actually know him? I need to remember, thinking mode switched on... Nope nothing came, I can't remember him ugh why is remembering so hard?.

After a day they let me go and said that I'm in good condition now and can live my life as before. Oh how happy I felt. So another long day at work, here it comes. Throughout the day Mr King called me in his office 5 times, 5 TIMES, and it was the stuipidest things that he call me in for.... For example

"Carnia I need you to turn that pot facing to the sun light because it's not getting any sun" WTAF I'm not his slave I'm his assistant like come on.

*Ring ring* "hello how can I help you?"

"Carnia I need you in my office now"

Great for the 6th time today he has called me in.... "Good evening Mr King what has got you to call me in for the 6th time?"

"Sir I need to negotiate with you"

"Yes Mr King what is it that you need?"

"I need you to be my wife"

"WHAT? Are you joking sir, this isn't funny but nice try---"

"I'm not joking Carnia I need you to be my wife... It's just temporary I swear because my mother is going to pass away soon and I need to show her that I am stable and ok with a family."

Holy fuck it turned serious all of a sudden. "Uh why me out of all people?"

"Because you are an innocent princess that my mother would believe you are the one for me, there will be a contract to follow so we both have our barriers..."

"Ok deal, so all I need to do is act as your wife?"

"Yes but you need to follow a couple of conditions, to move in with me..."

"How long will this last for?"

"6 months, you in?"

"Yes I'm in, I'm only doing this because I feel sorry for your mother and no other intentions so you don't have any other ideas in mind, so let's write the contract now"


1. No sex
2. No falling for each other
3. Contract goes for 6 months
4. No relationships during the 6     months
5. Must live with Mr King in the 6 months
6. Must act well Infront of each other's family

If one of the parties go against this contract you will be giving the opposite party $1 million in exchange for the damage.

Well this is going to be easy, I just need to keep my shits together and everything would be fine. I don't know why I'm doing this but I really feel sorry for his mother since all parents obviously wants their children to have a family of their own and since my parents all died I want to at least make this one happy before she goes...

Authors note

Hey guys hope you liked this chapter and continue to support me by voting so this story gets around to the community♥️ hope your day goes well!

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