Chapter 4: Spell-Bound

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AN: Here is the second part of today's double update. Hope you like it. Happy reading! 😊

Omkara and Gauri were sitting in the office of Prof

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Omkara and Gauri were sitting in the office of Prof. Mihir Awasthi waiting for him. It was an early morning appointment. The chamber was cozy and dimly lit. Nobody in the family knew exactly where they were going on Gauri's birthday except Omkara's father. It was a joint decision by RiKara otherwise everyone would start worrying, or worse, accompany them to the land of spells.

Omkara was already getting nervous jitters. He wondered how Gauri could trust so easily, that too Mr. Oberoi. She said she had a gut feeling that they wouldn't regret taking this step. It was only because of her undying trust that he decided to take a chance. But he did not forget to keep the pistol for self defense.

As much as Gauri appeared to be confident, she was nervous too. She was constantly tapping her feet, which would stop whenever she became conscious of it. Going through the spell meant possibly taking a trip to the past, and she did not know how she would handle another heartbreaking word from her husband.

Prof. Awasthi entered the office with a tray of coffee in his hands for him and his guests. His staff didn't come so early in the morning. He was a humble man in mid fifties, short gray hair, myopic and smartly dressed in formals. There was a long mark on his neck probably due to a surgery. He looked happy that he had such high profile clients this morning.

He greeted them, explained them what they had already read and researched. He also took them to visit his lab, so that they know what they were signing up for. He was a double PhD in psychology and computer science, and had several other qualifications.

"Goals," he said with passion, "are a product of mind and body. The more you think about them, the more you inspire yourself to act on them. But you need to take the bodily pains to act, and once you do that they're completed."

He said his spells were designed to encourage goal completion. The mind does a lot of wishful thinking but the body is restricted by the environment on how much it can act. The spells recorded the goal and then created a suitable world for the participant to enhance its completion. He showed them various instruments and machines in his lab.

Gauri was completely fascinated by his knowledge. However Omkara couldn't take a liking for him, no matter how friendly and cooperative he appeared.

"Mr. Oberoi, I am glad your father recommended me to you. He is a very kind man."

Gauri could only pray to God that Omkara didn't lose his temper.

"Prof. Awasthi, can we see a demo of your famous experiment?" asked Om.

The professor couldn't be happier. He took a mouse, put some electrodes on its head to record it's wish and then teleported it into 'The World' using the spell (i.e. the simulation). Then after a while the mouse came out from it with a cheese in its mouth.

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