Chapter Two: Night One

Start from the beginning

"Thanks chief." He moves towards the door and disappears into the hallway.

I sigh, shaking my head. I open a cabinet above my head, grabbing a stained red glass goblet. I felt bad that he was subjected to drinking from a bag like an animal, at least this way will allow him to enjoy it like a normal man. And the color of the glass will shield the color of blood. I walk past Dean who's rooting around in the fridge, and I step into the hallway to see the blonde man with the straw of the bag stuck in his mouth. His head is bowed down but when he sees my boots, he raises his brows and blushes as he releases the bag from his lips. I hold up the cup, giving him a weak grin. "I felt you would like it better if you could drink like a normal human being." I shrug.

He took the goblet in his thick fingers, and his blush is prominent through his blonde beard. He's left his newsman cap in his room, and I see that the tips of his ears are pink. "Thank you sugar. It means a lot."

I smile at him and walk back into the kitchen. I pull down four bowls, and I begin ladeling the chili into the bowls. The steam rises from the food, and my stomach rumbles. I place the bowls on a black round tray that had been tucked between the metal island and the floor. I use it to bring beers, and the chili out to the large library table. Sam is seated at the right side of the table by the head, and books open in front of him. Dean's standing only a few yards inside the library, glancing at titles on the shelves. I set the tray down, catching the boys' attention. Dean moves back to the table, and I take note that Benny has joined us at the table. I slide Sammy a bowl, and Dean, before offering them both a beer. The two of them dig in, and I smile that the boys were starving. I offer Benny a bowl, and he takes it, saying a gentle thank you. He also takes the beer and we all settle into our meal.

Quiet chatter finally begins between the four of us, and Benny takes advantage of that, using it to get Sam to warm up to the vampire. It was a miracle that laughter filled the hall towards the late of the night, and I was thankful. Food has always, I found, been a gateway to friendship. When Sam had gone on a stint for Christianity, I had told him that many times in the Bible, it was stated that Jesus taught followers while eating, and that he used food as lessons.

Dean clears the dishes, and I excuse myself stating that I was tired, and that I still had to get a shower. Benny smiled at me, and my own reflects his as I say goodnight.

The hallway is long, and the warm light bathes me as I reach my door. I hear a stirring behind me, and I glance over to see that it's Sam. I give him a smile and wait for him to catch up. "Sam, did you enjoy dinner?"

He nodded. "Yeah, it was delicious Rose. Thanks. But I wanted to speak to you about Benny."

"What about Benny?" I ask.

Sam sighs, leaning against the wall. "Well, for one, what do you think about him?"

"Are you asking because I sense people, or are you asking because I spoke with him?" I ask. He sighs. "Sammy, on both accounts, between how he's spoken, and the aura around him, he means no ill-will."

"No ill-will." He repeats and he sighs in relief. "I felt something odd coming from him, but then again, he's a vampire."

"Need I remind you Sammy, that the two of you spared a nest of vamps that has been feeding off of animals a few years ago?" I speak, and he rolls his eyes but laughs.

"That is true. I should apologize at least. I was acting a bit rash." Sam says.

I nod. "That might be a good starting move."

The two of us pass our goodnight's, and I open my room. I leave the door open, and I rummage through my dresser for a nightgown. I pull out a pair of skimpy black gym shorts, and a spaghetti strap tank top in a faded blue. I snatch a towel off of the shelf, and enter my bathroom to turn on the hot water. As it's warming up, I softly begin to sing. My voice resonates against the thick walls, and I peer into the mirror as I clean off my mascara. The mirror edge begins to fog and I know it's time to hop in.

I lather my coconut scented shampoo into my long black hair, relishing in the sweet smell. Coconuts are my favorite fruit, and I treasure the smell. I smooth body wash over my olive skin, and feel my muscles relax beneath the steaming water.

All too soon, I'm turning the knob. The hot water quits, and I quickly wrap myself up in the plush towel. I pat my hair dry, so that it's no longer dripping. I slip on the tank top and the shorts and move out into my room. I glance at the open door, spotting Benny as he slowly walks by deep in thought. He pauses, and I blush as I feel the cold air of the room cause my nipples to harden, and I hadn't worn a bra. I cross my arms over my chest and peer at him in embarrassment. He himself turns red, and he continues on down the hall.

I quickly move to the door and close the metal panel before dropping myself into my queen sized bed. I pull the comforter up to my neck, and flick off the lamp beside my bed.

Not soon later, I begin to slip into sleep.

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