Chapter Two: Night One

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The kitchen was filled with the smell of spices, and I stir the pot of chili, taking note of the ground beef, chunks of stew beef, the macaroni noodles, the beans, and the chopped onions. The smell of the minced garlic wafts around me making my stomach rumble. I let it simmer for a moment as I turn around and lean down, pulling open a cabinet below the island to try and find bread.

"Lord sugar, I'm not sure if it's the food or you that seems more appealing."

I jump, bumping my head on the cabinet as I draw the bread from out of the storage. I blush and turn to see Benny dressed in one of the boys' flannel shirts. I had long since tossed his clothes into the wash. My heartbeat picks up and I shake my head. "I hope you're not about to eat me Benny. You said you had plenty of blood." I say, trying to look distracted with the bread.

"I do, but it wasn't the blood in your veins I'm talkin' 'bout." He flushes too and clears his throat. "Nevermind sugar. The chili smells good however." He walks over and takes the wooden spoon in his hand. I take a look at his hands, seeing that he had thick, strong hands. His jaw was strong and the dusting of blonde hair was attractive.

I feel the red creep to my ears, and I avoid looking at Benny directly, but I knew unfortunately that as a vampire, he would still be able to hear my rapid heartbeat.

"Are you normally the cook?" Benny asks, trying to switch the conversation, and I smile slightly, nodding.

"Yeah. Sam's not bad at cooking, but Dean's even better when he actually feels like getting into the kitchen. But otherwise, I'm normally the one who cooks." I shrug, glancing at the blonde.

"You know, I cook believe it or not." He grunts, grinning at me. I turn towards the vampire, waiting for him to continue. He clears his throat and gestures towards the pot in front of me. "Maybe one night I might be able to cook some gumbo. It was something I was well known for before I got turned."


"Yes darlin'." He nods. "My home was in Louisiana, in the bayou. I know quite a few Cajun recipes from those days."

I bite my lip, debating on the questions that tumbled through my head. "How old were you when you were turned?"

He chuckles. "Curious are you?" He pauses, cupping his fuzzy jaw before shrugging. "I think that I was thirty-four when I was taken in by the old man." He shook his head. "Of course, that was near back in nineteen fourty-somethin'." I look at the man, taking in his looks.

"You're almost a hundred years old?" I spit out.

He laughed, head rolling to the side. "Well that's one way to say I'm an old man."

I blush. "Well,"

"That smells good! What's cooking?"

I hear Dean yelling as his footsteps move through hall leading to our spacious kitchen. Benny, who's standing merely five feet from me shifts to watch the door. The elder Winchester steps inside the room, breathing in deeply the scent of the spicy chili. His green eyes take note of Benny and I, and I see his jaw work before he lets it slide. "Hey Dean." I say, giving him a welcoming smile.

"Benny you have enough supplies to go a few days?" His voice is hoarse, which I know is the result from arguing with Sam, who I hoped would at least make it hospitible for the "guest".

"Yes chief, I'm alright." He replied, rolling his shoulders.

He nods. "Sammy will be down in a moment, he just wanted to get a few more books in before he quit the library for the night."

"You sure it's alrigh' for me to be 'ere brother?" Benny asks, moving away from me and towards the table.

"Benny, I told you that you were welcome. That wasn't a lie. Sammy," He sighs. "Sammy's just going to take a moment to welcome you in." The vampire nods. "And by the way I brought in the cooler. It's sitting just outside the door in case you're, you know, hungry."

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