Chapter One: Bunker

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The Men Of Letters Bunker was an amazing find for the boys, having been living a nomadic lifestyle prior to recieving the key to the mysterious location. Shortly after finding it, the boys had found me, running down a lone stretch of highway in the dark, scraped, bloody, and beaten. I'd been given a room in the bunker all to myself, and I made up for it by doing the laundry, cooking, and doing the chores that the boys would not normally do.

Dean had been gone for a time, having been blown into Purgatory after killing the leader Leviathan. I had searched for the Winchester, but Sam had dropped off the map and ditched his old burner phones. Kevin had contacted me trying to find him, but it was of no use.

Of course, I had brough Sam back to the Bunker, convincing him that something felt different and that we should check on the whereabouts of his older brother one more time. We were at the Bunker when a knock resonated from the thick metal door up the main stairs. I look at Sam, taking in his wide eyed gaze. "Dean?" He shrugs and we grab our guns off of the table, pulling the slides back to chamber one. We crept up the stairs as another knock sounds.


The younger Winchester grips the handle, pulling it open a bit. At the door, is the elder man, his brown hair cropped short as normal, his skin covered in dried blood, and his clothes torn and dirty. His green eyes take in the two of us, the look of relief evident as he gives us a small smile.

"Dean," I breathe, taking him in my arms and giving him a deep hug. Sam envelopes me as well, squeezing slightly before letting us go to shift back. I look at Dean closer to make sure he himself wasn't bleeding but he looked fine.

"Where the hell have you been?" Sam asked.

"It's uh, a long story. I was in Purgatory, and I kind of brought someone back." He said, glancing over his shoulder.

"Someone?" Sam repeats, and I furrow my brows.

Dean turns, motioning. A man dressed in a pair of high-waisted faded green trousers, an old white long sleeve shirt with the two buttons on the chest undone. He had a black pettycoat draped over his broad shoulders with a broad neckband. He wore a black newsman cap but I could see a blonde beard peaking out from the shadow of the hat. Piercing baby blue eyes take in his surroundings, Sam's appearance, and mine. I was taken aback by his eyes alone, but he was a ruggedly handsome man and my heart pounded. He ambled up to us with an easy stride, taking his hat off of his head to reveal short dirty blonde hair. His cheeks were a bit rounded but he was in shape physically. I could see that despite what he was wearing. A broad chest stretched the shirt, and faint blonde curls dust the open neck of his clothes.

"This is Benny." Dean says, stepping back to allow him to introduce himself to us. He reaches out his hand, and Sam reluctantly takes it. "Um, Benny helped me get out of Purgatory. He knew of a portal. We made a deal."

"A deal?" I continue.

"I asked for a ride out if I got him to the portal."

I shiver. This man, Benny, had a very thick southern accent, making his words flow smoothly from his mouth. His full lips barely moved due to the fluency, and I found it appealing.

"If there was a portal, why didn't you take it yourself?" Sam asks.

"Well, you see Sammy, he's a vampire. Purgatory doesn't like humans, so it wanted me out. We used a spell to help get him through." Dean explained.

I look at the blonde man again, eyes blown wide in surprise. "Vampire?"

"I wasn't always this cute and cuddly." He drawls, sighing. "I understand the caution darlin'. Dean told me that you guys were hunters." His blue eyes take in Sam's irritation and looked around him. "I only came here 'cause Dean said to."

"Because you have nowhere else to go Benny. I ain't going to toss you to the streets." Dean says, shaking his head.

Sam scoffs. "A vampire got you out of purgatory?" He shakes his head. "You expect me to be okay with you bringing a vampire to the Bunker?"

"Sam," I hiss, stomping on his foot discreetly. I look at the blonde man, giving him a small smile. "I'm sorry Benny. Sam has a hard time trusting people. You're welcome in." I move out of the way, lighting shoving Sam with my body as Benny steps inside followed by Dean. Sam closes the door as I release the hammer on my gun and slip it into my waist. I follow the two men down into the library.

"Why the hell would you bring him here?" Sam hisses at his brother.

The two of them bicker at each other quietly behind us, and I offer the stranger a apologetic smile. "I'm sorry about Sam. Now, don't think I'm not wary of you, but I know that it takes a lot for Dean to trust anyone like that, and he brought you here which is big." I shrug. "So I offer some form of trust. Just don't break it."

He chuckles, which causes my nipples to stir and stiffen. I shiver. "I don't plan to sugar, trust isn' something you just come by." He says, looking at me with those gorgeous eyes. "I'm just glad that I'm topside."

"You aren't about to go rogue are you? We've met vamps in the past who feed on animals, no humans." I say.

"Nah, darlin'. I have blood bags in a cooler outside. Dean acquired them for me from a contact of his." He says. I nod. "I'm thankful for the help." He gives me a smile, and it makes my stomach flutter.

"Dean's loyal to those who prove themselves to him." I say, shrugging and looking away from the vampire to avoid him catching the flush that covers my cheeks.

I decide to take him down the long hall where our bedrooms are at, stopping at the door on the right at the end. I swing the door open, letting him take in the plain walls, the solid floor, the closet, and the room's full size bathroom. There is a queen sized bed pressed against the center of the wall by the headboard. "This is nice," Benny says, gazing around.

"Well, it's your room now." I tell him, and he looks at me, brow furrowing over his blue eyes.

"Are you serious?" He asks. I nod. "Well that's sweet darlin', but I don't deserve this." He huffs lightly.

I grin. "Well it is. Enjoy it. There's plenty of hot water and we pay no bills so enjoy the ammenities." I walk towards the bathroom, flipping on the switch and showing him the shower, the sink, and the toilet. "This is yours. Believe me, it's nice to have your own room."

"Yeah," He breathes softly.

"Was it," I pause. "Was it tough in Purgatory?"

He pauses, walking over the bed before sitting down on it. He sets his cap on the thin blanket beside him and he runs a hand over his hair. "Well, it wasn't a walk in the park sugar." He sighs. "Dean and I killed every single day, all day just to stay alive."

"That sounds terrible. I didn't think Purgatory existed." I breathe. "No wonder he brought you back. It must have been hard for you to help him."

"Yeah, I don't like talking about it much darlin' I apologize." He gives me a sad smile.

I nod. "I get it." I smile at him. "Get yourself a hot shower, I'll find some spare clothes from the boys and bring them. I have to start dinner if you want to join. I know you don't have to eat normal food, but if you want it for the taste, you're more than welcome to join."

He nodded, shrugging out of his black coat. His white long sleeve hugged his thick biceps, and I take note that the vampire was burly with muscle. He was Dean's height so he wasn't overly tall, just about six foot tall. I turn and walk out of the room, glancing back as he stands and grabs the hem of his shirt.

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