Day 92

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A text came when I was in anatomy class.

Dad: Get him a cake. Put our names on it.

I stared at it.

Was it Trev's birthday?

No. He turned nineteen after his graduation. It's not a year yet. Then why cake?

My professor cleared his throat, scowling at me. I put the phone down and mouthed a sorry and promptly forgot about the text.

During lunch, Steph waved me down. "Bring him home tonight. Let's have a party."

"Trev?" I asked.

"No, his clone."

Gary came before I could question her further.

Did I get the dates wrong?

Around three, when a text came from mom, I was lost.

Mom: Take him out for dinner. Something french.

What was it everyone celebrating?

Did he wi— I stopped short in the middle of the road at the campus parking lot.

He won something in that essay contest. That was it. I grinned in relief. The sudden happiness made my body weak. I was worried about the results. Now I could relax. A cake and dinner was perfect, I could plan it in Steph's house as a surprise. I started walking again.

I'd have to skip MLE prep classes if I had to plan this. But it would be worth to see his surprised face.

I typed out a reply,

Jake: Done, mom. How did you know?

Mom: He called.

Again, I stopped. Trev called? I checked my phone call history. No calls from him. I scrolled through the texts, nothing new from him.

He called Mom and Dad too, but not me?

The old hurt reared its head back. I thought we had become closer. More than I hoped. Not in any sexual way. But in all the other ways. We were tight or so I thought.

But it was only in my delusional mind. He wasn't tight with me. My parents were more important to him than me.

I sat in my car and let the sadness take root. I loved him, I didn't expect him to love me back but fuck, I thought he cared.

Apparently not.

I decided to follow my usual schedule, fuck his party. How could I throw a party when I wasn't told about the reason?

Still all through my class, I kept checking my phone.


I stayed back and took the practice tests. Hoping beyond hope, that he would call or text.


By seven, I finally decided to go home. He must be already at some party, celebrating.

I wouldn't wallow. He was a teenager, he had different priorities. I wasn't among them. So be it.

This was a wake up call. Slap on my face. I should snap out of my love and lust for Trev.

Maybe a drink wouldn't be bad. I gave up on alcohol after starting med school. It felt hypocritical to drink. 

I had a whiskey bottle stashed in kitchen. It was a gift from Steph for my birthday. I deserved it tonight. Didn't I? I stood in the living room, dropping my bag on the couch, convincing myself to get drunk.

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