Day 14

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"When Trev told me that he didn't agree to live with you when you practically begged him to do, I was upset with him. What are friends for, if not to help each other? You don't have to beg Jake. But you must understand that he never does anything without discussing with me first. That's why he told you no. In a way I'm glad you are in need of a housemate. It works for everyone, right?" Mrs. Marshall smiled at me.

Begged? Housemate?

The fuck is happening?

Just ten minutes ago, I came home and got a text from Trev that he was coming here with his mum.

Everything worked out for Trev.

Mrs. Marshall had responded well to the counseling. Doctor Frank had indeed stood up for Trev and had made her weep in all the four sessions she went to.

Even though the competition result wasn't out yet, true to his word, Joel had sent a glowing letter, inviting Trev to his university. Mrs. Marshall had responded well to that as well. According to mom, she burst open a few veins by the overflow of her pride.

All these news came to me from different sources — Steph, Joel and my parents. Today's text was the first contact from Trev after I dropped him off that Sunday. More than ten days ago.

He didn't tell me he was planning of becoming my housemate, not even in the text. What was he thinking? Showing up like this? Lying to his mother that I wanted him in my house! I sure as hell didn't. Not after the way he went silent the past two weeks. Ungrateful brat!

"Now the only thing is, a car. If he is in dorms he won't need it. But now I suppose it's a necessary expense." Mrs. Marshall was saying while I was seething, trying to catch her son's gaze.

When Trev resolutely avoided my gaze, I decided to take my revenge another way. I smiled at his mother. "Oh, no, Mrs. Marshall. Don't even think about buying a car. Kids these days are completely irresponsible. I don't mean Trev, of course. But if he has a car, his class friends would want to use it and you know how they get."

Both mother and son stared at me.

"Oh my goodness, that's true. What should I do now?" Mrs. Marshall looked at me for solution.

I shrugged, "the campus is only three miles from here. The walk would do him good. Don't you think? He is in need of vitamin D."  That would make Trev rethink this idea. I almost put my tongue out when Trev shot me a deathly glare. Take that asshole!

Unexpectedly, Mrs. Marshall gave a relieved sigh. "That's settled then. Let's see your room."

That was when I saw the luggage. He was moving in like right now. There was no discussion or asking for my permission or even an opinion.

What the fuck?


"Refresh my memory, Trev. When exactly did I practically beg you to be my housemate?" I asked after his mother left. I was still trying to wrap my mind around this development. He was going to be here, with me all the time. For how long? A few months? A year? Why wasn't I told about this?

Mom and dad must know. Why the fuck they didn't tell me?

"What will you have me do? I can't go back to another dorm. I just can't. My folks won't pay rent on top of the college fees. And mum won't assent for me to stay for free with you. I had to imply that you require me to be with you. I had to. Surely you can see that. Can't you?" He asked, all innocent and self righteous.

I stayed silent, still angry. I wasn't angry because he decided to just show up as he pleased. It was nothing when compared to the heart ache he gave me. I was hurt that he didn't call me once. Not even a 'hi, how are you?'. And now here he was, asking me to see from his side. He hadn't had a single thought about me until he needed me. I had been worried sick and had been calling Mom every other day hoping she would have some news. My foolish heart bled terribly when he didn't so much as dropped a text.

Tantalizing Tantrums Of Trevon (BxM) ✓Where stories live. Discover now