Year 11

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"Hi, Dad. What's up?" I picked the book I kept forgetting to return. The librarian would ban me if I didn't do it today.

"I am good, listen Ty wanted to speak but she had to run to office and I thought I would do it."

"Sure dad." I locked the door and stepped out on the street, the mild evening sun instantly warmed me up.

"It's Trev."

My brisk strides came to a halt. "What happened?"

I had to do a lot of explaining to my parents after Trev had ratted me out on my cringe kissing exploit. I promised them it would not happen again.

To keep my word, I stopped my casual enquiries about Trev. I never brought him up when we talked and whenever I visited them I didn't so much as say hi to him if we crossed paths.

But none of this was easy. I was very aware of how much effort I had to put to stay away. All of his pictures that mom shared were part of my priced collection. The last one was his high school graduation picture. A big dopey grin and an even dopier cap that did nothing to hide his golden curls-he looked marvelous.

"He's been feeling low. You could hear it in his voice. Can you check on him?" Dad said.

"Are you sure it's that bad?"

He sighed very audibly, "I thought the same thing a few months back, I told Ty not to make a mountain out of a molehill. He was in a new place, new college, new friends. He must be feeling overwhelmed. But then after six months you would think he'd be back on his feet. He is not. Today he wouldn't even say more than a word. We're worried. You know Mrs. Marshall, she's practically blind to the boy's emotional concerns. We can't be like that."

"Okay, send me the address." I could go tomorrow and just casually ask about school and stuff.

"Don't you know?"

"All I know is he's enrolled with Riso University." Which was an hour drive from where I lived.

"I'll send the dorm room address. Just make sure he's okay. And maybe ask him what's going on. And call me back. "

"You want me to go now?"

"Yes, Jake. Weren't you listening?

I sighed. "Okay. I'll update you. Bye, dad."

An undergrad-freshman would have better things to do than talk with his old friends from back home.

But not Trev.

He never treated my parents like they were old or old friends. Neither did my parents. They went to his graduation and gifted him a Mac book.

I went back into the house and dropped the book and picked my car keys.

The security was non existent, I got into his dorm block without any hindrance. His room though was another story.

I didn't know how to open it. And there was no answer for my knocks.

"Hey, how do you open this thing?" I asked, flagging down a boy on skates.

"Oh, all the doors in this floor are shit. You just shoulder in." He threw back without stopping.

I pressed down on the handle and pushed with my shoulder. It took me three tries and the door flew open like it was never stuck. And banged shut when I stepped in.

The first thing that hit me was the stench. It would have made a lesser man gag. But not me, a half doctor. The second thing was the darkness. I grabbed the nearest wall, searching for a switch.

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