Black and White

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You and your teammates were all in your dorm, A whole day has passed since Blake ran off from her team and none of the girls have heard word from her. You wanted to help but felt it would be best if they settled their problems on their own. To distract yourself from it you examined your pendant.

Akio: So how long are you going to just lay around here staring at that thing?

You: Huh?

Akio: It's obvious you wanna go help team RWBY search, so why don't you?

You: I have no idea what your on about.

Akio: Sure you don't, just like I'm sure you don't have a crush on Yang.

You: (surprised) W-Wait what!?

Ty: (facepalms) Akio.

Elli who was feeding Ikaros covers her mouth in surprise.

Akio: What? We all know and fyi I'm pretty sure she's into you too.

You: (Sighs) Look just drop it alright.

Elli then tosses something to you, she had a big grin on her face and when you looked down you saw that she had tossed you your Scroll and Yang's number had been dialed. I looked at her in disbelief while she  just smiles and puts up a peace sign.

You: Elli you little-

Before you could even think about hanging up you heard Yang's voice.

Yang: (Scroll) Hello, Y/n?

Elli and Akio both silently urged you to answer while Ty gave you an awkward smile.

You: Hey Yang how's the search going?

Yang: (Scroll) Not good, Weiss and I split up from Ruby but we haven't seen any sign of Blake anywhere and she's not answering her Scroll either, I'm really worried now.

Hearing the sadness in her voice made you feel uneasy.

You: Sorry to hear that.

Yang: And apparently Blake's a faunus herself.

You: (surprised) Really?

Yang: Yeah I can't believe we never noticed she was hiding ears behind her bow.

You: Hmm, Hey Yang I'll call you back, I think I might know a way to find her.

Yang: Wait seriously!? Maybe I should come with you.

You: Trust me, it's best if I go on my own.

Yang: (disappointed) Oh ok, well keep me posted.

You: Right, gotta go.

You hang up and go to throw on your jacket.

Ty: What happened?

You: Well Blake's a faunus.

Ty: Really!?

You: Yeah.

Akio: Wait you guys didn't know?

Ty/You: Wait you did?

Twice as Bright  Yang Xiao Long x Male reader. (Vol 1)Where stories live. Discover now