tuesday-the next day

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taehyung woke up with a headache, and now already he was at work.
he had tried to call off, but no one could cover his shift, so here he was.
he was alone til 7:30, and it was now only 6:55. he was waiting until exactly 7:00 to open, because he wanted to be alone as long as possible. there was a couple of high school girls in their uniforms at the tables outside, which meant they were waiting for him to open.
the night before was a blur. jimin took him a namjoon to a club where he had a VIP room and they drank with some of jimins other friends and taehyung had tried marijuana for the first time, which was a lot better than he expected it to be.
he looked at the clock, realizing that 5 minutes had passed. he walked to the door, unlocked it and flipped the sign to open. the high school girls where in there before he even got behind the counter. he came to the register, ready to take their order.
"hi oppa, can we both have caramel macchiatos?" the one girl, who had dark brown hair, asked. the other girl was blonde and she didn't seem to interested in being here.
"coming up" taehyung said. his coworker, jungkook came in the door in a hurry. he came behind the counter and straigt to the employee room. the girls looked at eachother and giggled.
taehyung got to making their drinks, and jongkook came out the employee room with his apron on. they flashed a smile at each other, and jungkook began taking another customers order.
the last night, taehyung had also realized he had feelings for jimin. he knew jimin had been interested in him, leaving big tips and taking him to his private vip room in a bar to meat his friends, but until then he hasnt realized that he liked jimin in that way too.
he finished the drinks and handed them to the girls, wishing them a nice day. he wasn't sure if he should text the number jimin had given him or not. he didnt want to seem desperate, but he was. being a single gay man was hard, and despite being a pretty boy he didnt find many other gay men to be interested in him.
"wassup bro? whats on your mind?" jungkook asks. taehyung shrugs, not wanting to talk about it.

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