Chapter 9 ~ They're Coming

Start from the beginning

I thought of my phone... it was in my pocket! I could call Tony! I whiped it out and turned it on, clicking the emergency number in the bottom left corner, (which was Tony's number)

"Dawn? Why are you calling me?"

"TONY! Help-Help us! Please! HURRY! TONY!" I yelled while panting and running.

"Dawn, slow down, whats wrong? What's going on? Why are you out of breath?"

"Remember those- those guys from the- the house?! Well, they're- they're chasing Luke and- and I! TONY HELP!" I yelled through gasping for air.

"Dawn don't hang up! Ill track the call and be there as soon as I can! Hang in there, darling! I'm coming!" he said

"Just be fast!" I yelled holding the phone as tightly as I could in my hand with pressing 'end'.


"This way!" Luke called pulling me into a tight space between walls. We squeezed through and bought ourselves some time.

A few feet away there was a small hidden room Nick told us about a few days ago.

"Get in." Luke demanded me as he looked around for anyone coming.

"What?" I asked confused. This hidden room was pretty small, it's could maybe only hold 3-4 people, and that's if you're pressed against each other. Uncomfortably. Very uncomfortably.

"You heard me. Get in. I want you to be safe- I need you to be safe." he said as I stepped in, and he was jut about to.

"Ahhhh!" We heard a bunch of people yell, then saw them coming for us.

"Get in!" Luke yelled pushing me further into the right space and trying to close the door.

"No! I'm fighting with you. I lost you once, I'm not losing you again!" (I know cheesy)

"No you're not, you're going to get hurt! I NEED you to be safe." he yelled back at me. Stressing the word 'need'.


"Get behind me." he demanded. His piercing ice blue eyes, now a dark sea blue.

I mumbled a quick 'okay' as he pulled out two daggers from his shirt sleeves and placed one in each hand.

"Tony!" I cried into my phone as I took it off mute.

"Dawn! Thank goodness, were on our way! Are you two in the hidden room?"

"No! It- it wouldn't open for us." I lied. "Help now! Luke is fighting and- ouff." I hit the floor pretty hard, letting out a sharp scream.

"DAWN!" Luke screamed, running from where he was and fighting in front if me to keep anyone from hitting me.

"Dawn! Are you alright?! Dawn! Can you hear me?!" Tony screamed from the phone.

"Hurry..." I said last before feeling myself being picked up from behind then feeling a cold metal sensation.

"Luke!" I yelled. Throwing my hands up and placing then on the front of my neck then feeling a blade be placed across them.

"Dawn! NO!" Luke yelled from a few feet away trying to run and try to hurt the guy holding me.

"Luke, don't." Tony said from above. He flew down beside Luke and soon the others came as well.

"Tony." I sigh of relief came out from my lips as I said his name.

"Looks like you've got my little Dawn." He said pointing at me. With a press of a button his mask was gone and he was left with only his suit.

"Let her go." Steve said coming to take a step up.

"One more step and ill slit her throat." the man holding me spoke with a deep Russian accent.

I looked across the room. Luke was starring at me, his eyes held fear, sadness and tears. But mostly fear. I starred back and mouthed and 'it's okay' back to him. He bowed his head and a swear I saw a tear fall.

"Good job Vladamire, I didn't think you'd get it done that fast." I voice from the shadows said. He came into view slightly. I saw he wore a hat with horns, wore a cape and carried a staff in his right had.

"Loki.." I said in barely below a whisper.

"Oh! So the little girl knows me! That's surprising, since I am standing in a room with my brother and he didn't recognize me."

"Leave her alone Loki. Just give her to me and we can settle this. Just you and I." Thor spoke up, setting closer to where I stood.

"Oh, it's long passed that now, brother." he said wearing his signature smirk.
"I'm taking the girl, shell keep me company. She'll... Entertain me." he smirked again, this time bigger.

"Don't you dare lay a finger on her you bastard!" Steve spoke up, stepping up beside Thor.

"And what will you do about it, Captain? You were frozen for over 30 years, and you couldn't get out of that." He was pushing his buttons, even I could see that.

"Steve. Don't." I said. Eventually he knew and stepped down.

I looked back over at Luke. He starred at the ground intensively. Finally he looked back at me.

"Leave her. Take me." Luke said looking back at the floor.

"I think not." Loki persisted. "she means more to the Avenger's them you."

"That's complete bullshit!" Luke yelled. "If anything, I mean more. I mean more to her, than I mean to them!" He stressed the word her, while pointing to me.

Loki looked baffled. He was so confused. But then he figured it out, he walked out to me, watching the Avengers. he stood directly inform of my facing the others.

"Alright then, I'll take you. Vlad, drop her."

"NO!" I screamed but I then felt a sharp pain that made me stop screaming and fall to the ground, clutching my side tightly.

"DAWN!" I heard Luke yell and I saw him run to me but Loki gave a quick tap to his heart with the top, sharp tip of his staff witch made likes eyes go even bluer and drop down with me.

"NO!" the Avengers screamed getting into full gear.

"One step closer and I kill them both." he soda calmly.

Then everything stopped.

"Ill be taking the boy now. Vlad," he paused. "Throw the girl." He spoke.

I felt myself being picked up then a hundered of sharp glass bits pierced into my side. I screamed.

I was falling to my death.

&/&/&/&/&/&/&/&/&/&/&/&/&/ &/&/&/&/&/&/&/&/&/&/&/&/&/

Hey guys! I know im like two days late but....
Beige I say anything I wanna know what you guys were for Halloween! (ill post them on here if you wanna see what I was)

((I was like this Dalmatian with face paint like that in both sides I did myself!! but I almost had my hair curled and down))

You all waited for this chapter and begged me for it so here it is!! Do you guys like the plot twist? you guys commented and inboxed me so many great ideas I thought I'd mash up some of them and put them in... so here they are!

Next chapter I will try to put up in maybe 2-3 weeks... maybe even sooner :) :) :)

I love you all heaps!💘💞
Thanks for all the amazing ideas!👍
Stay strong! 💪👈
~ bee 🐝😚


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