Chapter Nine - Guy

Start from the beginning

"Why thank you," she says.

"That leaves you and I, Guy," continues Jason.

Ava speaks up, "Not necessarily. It could be a romance between two girls."

I smile, "That's actually a really good idea."

"Are you sure?" asks Amelia, "Maybe we should just keep it traditional."

Ava looks deflated, "I guess."

When I say that Ava looks deflated, I mean that her mood has completely changed. I know her idea just got shut down, but I can't help but feel like there is something more to it.

"In that case I think you should be the male lead, Guy," says Jason.

"Are you sure? You can have the part if you like."

"I've had a lead role so far this year. This is your time to shine."

"Thank you Jason."

"Okay, glad that's sorted. I'm going back to the party," says Amelia.

Just like that she darts out the door.

"I suppose that I should keep a lookout so these hooligans don't get caught," says Jason, also leaving the room.

Now it's just Ava and I.

"Are you okay?" I ask her. I don't know her very well, but I want to make sure she's okay.

"I'm fine, I guess I just thought having two female leads would be good representation. Our school doesn't even have a GSA and I'd be rich if I had a dollar for every time that I heard kids here use the word 'gay' as an insult."

"Yeah, I wish that people would be more accepting. I don't think that Amelia meant anything by shutting your idea down though. I think she was just scared of what other people would think."

Ava nods her head, "Don't tell her this, but I like her and I guess I was hoping that by doing this play I could get closer to her. Who am I kidding though, she's probably straight anyway."

"I dunno. She's only ever dated one person. I don't think she knows what her sexuality is. I think you might have a chance."


"Yeah. Maybe I can skip practice a couple of times so you can fill in for me. That way you and Amelia can get closer."

"You'd do that for me?"

"I want to see Amelia happy and I can tell that you really like her."

"Thanks Guy."

"No problem."


When it's finally time for lunch I walk over to the picnic tables and I'm shocked by what I see.

James, Amelia and Tessa are there as usual, but Lola is with them.

"Hey, what's going on?" I ask.

"I broke up with Chad," says Lola.

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