Jealousy's Repercussions

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        I can't believe what I just did back there. Yet I can't stress enough what emotions ran through my body. When I walked in and saw Damian touching Maddie's back and trying to talk to her I wanted to walk over there and punch him. I guess you could say that I was jealous. The sound of Maddie stressing her anger towards me made me want to cry. Never have I been so protective of someone, especially Maddie, like that. My hands and face go numb when I reach for the steering wheel as a sensation of fear tingles through my body. She's right. The words slide through my mind. I should have been there for her. I should have been happy that she is alive, not walk out on her like a jerk. A tear falls from my eye as I think of her face. Her pale pink lips trembling with anger and hurt. How her emerald green eyes were full of disgust. 

"I thought you would be glad that I was alive." 

        I am glad that she is alive. Actually, glad is not the right word for it. The word ecstatic would suffice. There are no words that can describe how rapturous and blissful I was when I heard her voice again. The thing that amazes me is how she didn't sound frail at all when she called me from the hospital. In fact, there was determination in her voice. Determination to find out the truth about her life. You can't blame her. Her whole life was full of wrongs that no one bothered to right. 

"Did you even think about me at all?" 

        I did. I did think about her for a great deal amount of time. Ever since Ray told me she left my heart found a pit to lie in and it fell asleep for a while under a black blanket. I lost her once, and now I have just lost her again. And for the same reason- I wasn't there for her. 

        I look up and I see how the night is beautiful with it's bright white stars against a clear navy blue sky and the moon making the black of night just a little brighter. I'm the only one on the road but I feel like there are cars surrounding me. Whooshing sounds of wheels and the wind blowing against my face. It's a soothing feeling that just slowly gathers you in an embrace. My eyes lower so I can be attentive to the road.

        When I look up once more, a blinding flash of lights take over my vision. I can't see anything. Nothing at all. As I am trying to move away from the car, it's almost mocking me as the light follows me with every move. Then, my vision goes away as I feel my eyes shut, and the black of the night erases the yellow light.


        Everything is sore. Everything has a stinging sensation like it's on fire. White walls surrounding me with blue spots here and there. Am I in the hospital? Voices around me are muffled, as if they don't want me to hear. Should I say something? 

If you want to get out of here, then you might as well talk. It might get you somewhere. 

        "Where am I?" I groan. The words choked as my lips moved like they struggled to get out of my mouth. 

"You are in the hospital. Last night you got in a car accident." One of the nurses returns. 

"Who was the other driver? Did they get hurt?" 

Not one single human being in the hospital room said a word. The only audible sound was the beeping of the machines connected to tubes going off in one of the patients roooms across the hallway. 

        Anger and frustration begin to progress from a small dribble into a waterfall through me as we continued to sit in awkward silence. 

"Who was the other driver and did they get hurt?"  I asked again with an agitated tone. 

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