The Perfect Day

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Today is the day.        

 Makeup, flowers, curled hair, you name it. I'm finally getting married. Is it normal to be nervous? I've never really been nervous around Liam before, but for some odd reason I feel like an ocean of anxiety keeps rising up in me like a tsunami.        

  In my dressing room I am surrounded by a wall of people two or three bodies deep. Everyone seems really uncomfortable, and let me explain why.        

 So, after the grand moment of Liam's proposal, we went back to his house. The next day I went to my parents house and told my aunt and uncle everything. To be completely honest I don't know what was going on in their heads. I think they were glad that I was alive, to say the least. However, they didn't understand how any of this was possible, since I didn't look like I had "decomposed or anything".

"This is just unnatural. " Realizing I was offended by this statement he quickly acted upon it. "But we did miss you sweetheart." Those are the exact words my uncle said. My aunt was just speechless and not that I don't blame her, but I could have used some more imput than that. So, after that was over, both contacted everyone we knew. Including some girls I got close to in high school- my current bridesmaids. This "horrifying yet miraculous" news spread like a good wildfire. This all happened in a good three months-including the planning of the wedding. Now, three more months later I am getting married with people who are afraid I'm not even really alive. Yay me!  

    So now I am having my wedding with people who basically think I'm a zombie. I don't expect anything extraordinarily happy from anyone, believe me when I say that is the least of my worries. But a bride should not be monitored as if I have a reputation for leaving the guy hanging at the alter. A thousand eyes will be on me as I walk down the aisle, most likely hoping to see some type of decay. Maybe they would desire the sight of a hollowed cheek bone instead. The girl in an ivory dress is supposed to be praised with tears of joy and looks of awe and adoration. And all I am asking for is a little love.

        After finishing the final touches of my makeup, I take a good look in the glassy mirror. This is what my daughter-if Liam and I do have children- will look like at her wedding, beautiful. Her body covered in ivory  lace and finished with shining jewels. We always joke about having kids together- since we are obviously too young for it- but I just wonder what our children would look like. Will we have a boy or a girl? One? Two? Maybe even three? Will they be a ginger, blonde, or neither? Will they have emerald green eyes like me or brown eyes like Liam? These questions always go through my head and waiting for the supposed 'best day of every womans life'. I'm pretty sure my hormones are going crazy insane like a teenage girl right now.

"Maddie, dear! It's time," my aunt calls out from the door way.        

  "One second!" I yell back. Excitement rushes through me as I walk to the door. Sweat builds up on the center of my palms, ruining and wrinkling the soft, thick, cream sash of ribbon on my bouquet of pale blue hydrangeas. The tip of my index finger strokes the soft petals as a remedy for my anxiety. This is it. After a year of planning this day, it's actually happening!

Slowly and nervously I pick up my feet and begin to walk toward the door. My aunt is standing there waiting for me and she looks happy for me to be marrying someone I love. Someone that she loves. Someone that everyone loves. She takes me by the elbow and walks me to the door. When we stop, she turns toward me, with seriousness written on her face like ink on parchment.

"Madeline, are you sure you're ready?" she asks.

"As long as Uncle Xavier doesn't let me fall then I will be fine." I replied with uncertainty.

"Okay sweet heart. Good luck, and I'll see you soon!" She practically squeals with excitement.

"Thank you so much!" I return. When I hear the sound of the music start, I begin to walk out the door without even knowing what I am making my body do. Liam is standing there in his midnight black tuxedo and an ivory rose pinned to his chest, and he seems to be confident. Almost proud of his choices, and I'm proud of mine.

My uncle grabs my arm and silently coaxes me to walk up to Liam. When I begin to stumble on my heels, he gave me a boost. We were both trying not to laugh at the fact that I am the clumsiest person on the whole world. Finally, I'm eye to eye with Liam. And all eyes are on us.

"Please be seated. We are gathered here today to celebrate the uniting of Madeline Meyer and Liam Thompson. Do you, Liam take Madeline to be your wedded wife, to live together in marriage? Do you promise to love her, comfort her, honor and keep her for better or worse, for richer or poorer, in sickness and in health, and forsaking all others, be faithful only to her, for as long as you both shall live?"

"I do," he says.

"And do you Madeline take Liam to be your wedded husband, to live together in marriage? Do you promise to love him, comfort him, honor and keep him for better or worse, for richer or poorer, in sickness and in health, and forsaking all others, be faithful only to him, for as long as you both shall live?"

"I do," I reply.

"Then by the power invested in me by the state of California, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride!"

Liam swooped me into his arms and just like that, we kissed. And I knew this was the best day of my life.

The rest of the night was filled with dancing, music, and joy. Everyone was happy. And for the first time in a really long time, I was finally happy.

"You ready to go home now, Mrs. Thompson?" Liam asked.

"As always." And we walked hand in hand in the deep blue night, with the stars giving us light, knowing we would be alright.

Everything was perfect.

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