Thomas Young

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        Liam tells me everything, almost like he's reciting words from a book he's read at least 100 times. Every word sharp with percision. Liam takes a breath after his 'speech'. When he's finally done telling me everything, I have the biggest urge to start asking a million questions. I'm afraid to say anything, but I just want to know everything. It takes a while for me to let this sink in. How could my family do this to me? Why would my life be full of lies? When he's done I'm mesmerized by his words, speechless. He looks at me like he's waiting for an answer. 

"Maddie, you okay?" 

"Is that even a question? Of course I'm not okay! You think finding out your whole life was full of lies is just okay?" Is Liam seriously this stupid? 

"Look, I'm sorry about all of this, believe me I am. But I'm going to find out what happened to you. Do you know what happened to you?" 

"Honestly I can't really remember. I know that sounds stupid, but it just started to fade after a while. All I remember is a woman screaming. Thank you Liam. I do have one question." 


"What is this crap that we're listening to? It sucks. No offense Ray." I say trying to lighten the mood a little. He smiles and turns to Ray, repeating what I just said. Ray gives a warm and hearty laugh, one you don't hear very often. I guess I can still lighten the mood. That makes me happy. At least even when I'm dead I still live up to my reputation.

        This whole ghost thing still baffles me. It's a mystery really. I find it amusing, how only certain people can see ghosts and spirits, while others can't but yearn to, despite all of their efforts to become a 'medium'. 

"It's Montell Jordan. I'm actually starting to like it." He replies. 

        The day is beautiful, refreshing. Sun shining, illuminating the surroundings with a golden glow. It’s early July, since a week has passed since I found started talking to Liam. The trees are standing tall, with the leaves like green spots against the blue sky. Wispy clouds like white streaks of paint on a canvas. I missed the outdoors. The sunlight providing warmth- and many freckles no doubt, to my pale skin. It reminds me of when the sun would make my hair look even whiter than it already was. I always loved being outside, especially when it was the spring and there would be cherry blossoms on the trees, their petals falling to the ground. Being dead freaking sucks. You miss everything about being alive. The thing I miss most, is hearing the beat of my own heart. The key essential to being alive.  

        Ray turns to Liam and asks how far away we are from San Francisco. He says that we're about 45 minutes away, but with traffic we probably won't get there for another hour and a half. I try to read his expression, fear and ambition cover his face. His eyes however, are sympathetic and fearful, as if he's afraid someone is going to get hurt. I look at him and smile for reassurance, he nods back, but the fear in his eyes only dampens a little bit. doesn't go away. Ray says to no one in particular, "you ready?"

"As ready as I'll ever be." We say in unison. Even though Ray couldn’t see or hear me, it seemed like he knew that I was ready to know the truth. 

"Okay, so what's the plan?" I ask. 


        We've been asking everyone in town if they know a Thomas Young. When we finally get a yes, they give us a relative location of where his house is. Liam thanks the kind lady and drives away. She described the house to look old, the yard all brown, never cut. The house is off the Golden Gate Bridge, so hopefully that should be helpful. The woman also said that it's the only house in town that has a Scotland flag. Sounds interesting to me. I wonder if he has a Scottish accent? I guess we'll find out shortly. Honestly, I’m nervous about seeing my real father for the first time. A billion of questions bounce in my head, making me feel eager and frightened. What if he’s a sociopath? What if he’s a murderer? A first time for everything right? 

        We find the house. That lady was right. The lawn was an ugly brown, full of weeds, and it needed to be cut. Bad. A blue and white flag blew in the breeze. You could see the old stains of brown on it. What did this guy do to his house to make it look so dirty? I'm starting to get all germophobic. This place is just downright disgusting. Liam and Ray on the other hand, look like they're ready to pass out. 

        I don't know what's going to happen next. But Liam knocks on the door, and then there's a man.

Thomas Young.         


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