A Visit

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        So, yes. It’s official. I can see dead people. Fantastic, right? Yeah, not so much. I’ve been on Google for quite a while now and I didn’t realize how many people can be in contact with ghosts. At least this proves I’m not a freak. 

They say to do 5 things when you come face to face with a ghost, so let’s see if this works. 

 Step 1: Don’t freak out. 

 How’s that working out for you? 

 Step 2: Talk to the spirit. You might be able to get a reaction, if the spirit was alive at one point in time. 

 I knew I should’ve tried to talk to her! 

 Step 3: Take a picture with one of your best cameras, but don’t use flash. Yes, cellular phones work. 

 Okay good, because I don’t have a camera. 

 Step 4: Record your attempt to communicate with the spirit. 

 Step 5: Document your visit with the spirit, notes, photos, and recordings will work. The notes should include everything about where it happened, date and time, weather, and everything about the spirit. Be specific as possible.

        Okay, so that’s that I guess. The only thing is, I wonder if Maddie will just go away because she’ll know what I’m doing? Never hurts to try, right? Hopefully Maddie will cooperate. She was stubborn when she was alive, she better not be stubborn when she’s dead too.

         They also said that you can call a spirit by laying down on the floor, and imagining what the spirit looked like, or an object that can relate to the spirit. Yeah, that was a load of crap, because I tried that for an hour and nothing happened. Thanks a lot. Honestly, I’m at a loss of what to make of all of this.


        Maddie didn’t come visit me until around 10:00 at night, she looked the same as last night- tired and translucent. This time I didn’t freak out, so step one is accomplished. When I tried to talk to her, it didn’t exactly go so well. 

 “Hi Maddie...” I said. She waved back, and the smallest smile crept across her face. Well, so far so good. The problem is, how do you exactly talk to a ghost? So, I asked probably the dumbest question someone could ask a dead person. 

 “How are you?” She started laughing and just smiled at me, like she knew I was going to ask her that. 

 “Well I’m dead, but other than that I’m fantastic.” 

 I couldn’t help but smile. “I missed your sarcasm.” 

 “I missed your smile.” 

        At that point I was on the verge of tears. I have missed these little conversations where we could just say anything for hours on end. She looked at me with that knowing look of hers, walked over, and sat next to me on my bed. I could actually feel her. A warm tear trickled down my face, but I smiled. 

 “Why did you come see me Maddie?” 

 “It’s been too long, Liam. I needed to see your face again.” 

 “I’m glad you came.” 

 “Me too.” She started crying, and I held her ghostly hand. It was cold, and even though she was just a ghost, she felt human to me. She smiled, and I returned the smile. I told her what I used to tell her all the time, “It’s okay. Don't cry.” 

 “It’s okay that I’m dead?” 

 I look at her with complete and utter disbelief. Did she seriously just say that? 

 “No!!! Not at all! I have been having dreams about you and I for the past year. Every day is like someone is trying to kill me. You seriously think that it’s okay that you’re dead? Without you, these few years have been pure torture.” She said nothing, but she looked at me with so much sympathy, that it was all but comforting. 

 “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to upset you.” The words were barely audible when she spoke. 

 “It’s not your fault.” 


 “Yeah Maddie?”

 “Did you love me? I mean, love love.” 

 “Loved you then, and I love you now.” 

 If ghosts could blush, she would be a tomato. I’ve never seen her happier. Joy is contagious with the two  of us. I feel my self smile and her smile grows. 

 “I’m so glad you just said that. I wanted to tell you that I felt the same way, before..” She didn't need to finish her sentence. It was clear enough that we had feelings for each other, so I'm glad that we are getting this out now. 

 “Better late than never right?” 

She looked up at me and smiled. Oh, God how I missed that smile. Then she looked at our hands, fingers interlocked, and just said, “Better late than never.” 

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