pancake and eggos

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A/n: This one inspired by the last post I reblog on my Tumblr about Damian with his disgusted face when Bruce serve him some food on the mansion lol anyway, enjoy my fluff nonsense lol

"You call yourself Queen of under realm and you eat that frozen waffles?"

Raven paused her movement as her hand held a box of eggos which she retrieved from the freezer at tower's kitchen.

Damian were leaning at the kitchen counter, folding his arm at his chest, staring at her.

As she registered his word through her head her face slowly turn to grimace with her hand cover her mouth. " How dare you insult my saviour?!" Her eyes open wide as she pointed at the boy wonder.

"You could have at least a proper meal." He sighed as he closed his eyes.

"I was damn hungry!! And besides, there's no one in the tower except us!" Raven held her hand high including the eggos.

"You could at least notify me to order some food." Damian quickly look up on his phone looking for food delivery.

"Well, you are a busy man when it comes with keep watch in CCTV room." Raven pouted as she put the eggos back to the freezer.

Damian scoffed as he scroll the menu. " You could at least knock my door or something." He mumbled.


"Nothing. What do you want, your highness?"
Damian stare at her as his finger hovering on the phone screen, ready to tap the choices.

Raven leaning beside him as she sees the screen," I don't know, surprise me." She shrugged. "It's on you, your majesty." She smirked as she slowly sit at the dining table.

Damian narrow his eyes then make some tap  on his phone. He slip his phone at his pocket, grabbing some mug and making coffee.

"Here." He settled down the mug in front of her and sit next to her.

"What's on your mind, Wonder boy?" Raven take peek on him as he seems to be tired when he lightly massage his back neck.

"Nothing, just..."

Raven eyebrows were lifted as she waited for his answer.

"Tense." He open his shamrock eyes as he stared at the void.

"Tense?" Raven take a sip on the hot drink.

Damian simply noded. " This case, seems to take me to nowhere."

Raven blinked. Well, he should need some rest after they having big showdown with the famous Penguin and the gang who terrorize San Fransisco by threatened to bomb the majestic red bridge.

Garfield, Jamie, Jon, Donna, Kori, Dick, Jackson, Wally, all of them were on vacation on their day off. This reminds her  about aunt Alice and her family at the other state. Are their in good shape?

"Perhaps I could help?" Raven offer her hands.


"Well yeah, you did teach me to think like criminal, well not in a bad way, just predicting their pattern some sort." Raven again sip the black coffee.

Damian take a long time look at her then snorted. " Stay here, I'll go get some files."
He raised and went to the room.

Raven idly her eyes follow where he goes then suddenly color start to creep her face. Azar, what was that?!

She put down her mug and touch her cheek, a bit warmer. Is she blushing?

As she heard the door closed, she stabilize her breath and her heart beat.

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