Damirae week day 5: Locked In| (I follow you) Through the Dark

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A/n: continuation from I'm a sucker series part 4. Enjoy!! And sorry for late entry.😭😭
*******flash back *******
After her roomates dies, Raven become the talk on her campus. She thought it will go away as the time passed by. Maybe she could lay low and it will calmed. But it seems after a week, she's been summoned to the student affair office because people been speculate that she is the killer.
She sighed.

She can't help but provided her alibi along with her friends and lecturer as her witness that she's at the curator party at the night of incident. It was Friday evening after her last class at 7.43pm. As she walked through the pavement that lead to the bus stop, she felt like someone following her but whenever she looked behind her there's no one there.

She get a pretty bad feeling, as she reached the small shelter station, she quickly open her phone just to put out her nervousness again she felt goosebump until an unknown number calling her. She was hesitated to answer but it is to kill silence atmosphere she swipe right.


" Rachel?"

" Who are you?"

"Uh, I don't know if you still remember me, this is Damian. The one whom you asked for help that day?"


"I was wondering about the Forecast that we experience before, any news about it?"

"What about it?"

"Because I just solve the case from the one we got.'

"This is crazy!" her heart jumped excited. Hey, at least she could help someone to solve the case using her gift. "Well, as far as I know, there is no —" and the Forecast coming to her.


As if like a surge electric flowing through her body, she gasped.

"Raven, are you okay?"

"I saw it."


"A forecast."

*****end flashback*****

It was dark, and she could smell damped , musky as if this place haven't seen the light for years. She tried to move her arm but it seems that it has been tied to her back, with zip tie. She winced as the sharp zip tie edges grazed to her skin. "Ugh."

'Calm down, Raven.' She as she looked around. It's a dark room, and she could hear cringe sound as she tried to make out, it does sound like a chain swinging from the ceiling. With the moonlight as the only light source, she could deduced that she's in an abandon warehouse. She could hear water drop sound further away.
She realise her blazer where missing as she felt cold creeping on her skin. Oh no. Her cellphone is in one of the pocket. She cursed for her bad luck. As she tried to move both of her hands, the zip tie cuts her wrist, she whinced. Then she felt it, the cold round circled her wrist, a bracelet gave by Damian.
She tried to find the charm that attached to it, she felt something like a shape, is that a bird? No. It has sharp curvy edge for the wings. Bats?

With her other hands struggling to pull it, she heard footsteps coming from front. "Oh god." She never felt like this as she see the dark shadow twisting swishing like some kind of phantom ghost who about to conjuring in front of her. She is so terrified that she deliberated pulled the charm and snapped the crystal bracelet as the crystal bead fall down and scattered to different places.

"Who-who are you?" She swallow her saliva as she demand an answer.

She could hear someone scoffed, it sounds like a male, deep but menacing. " You are a handful, don't you know that?"

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