Chaprer 3~The Mistery Boy

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Astrid's POV:

I tended to the young boy and girl that we picked up from the icy snow storm as Heather started a warm fire. The barn was old and rustic. The floor was covered in old, moldy hay and the barn smelled like my parents shoes we but out on boot night.

Outside I could hear footsteps coming close, almost like a injured shuffle in the snow that was combined with hoping between steps.

Curiosity filled my brain. 'Go check it out. You can probably help.' Was what my inner dialogue shouted in my head but I forced myself to stay put, for the safety of the group.

Then I heard it, plop, a loud sound fell on the snow inches from the door. Everyone heard it.
Everyone turned.
The air was silent.
Curiosity grew in me.
"Go check it out" whispered snotlout and I stepped up. What lie beyond the door was something that would change our lives forever.

Hiccup's POV:

My vision was blurry and I was really dizzy. I was jumping from tree to tree trying to get to the red barn. The snow was coming down heavy and I was loosing sight of the barn.

I was almost at the door. It was right in my grasp, and I blacked out. I almost made it.

But I didn't.

Astrid's POV:

I walked up to the old red barn door and opened it slowly. What laid outside was a black figure against the snow. I drew my warm axe from my back and slowly flipped the figure over.

The strange figure wore a mask and a black dragon scaled suit with red accents. A red liquid ozzed from his side.

It was blood.

The figure had a mask on preventing my line of sight to the  figures face. I looked down. This mistery person was missing a leg.

"Heather! Come help me!" I yelled to her and started to bring this skinny frame into the barn. We halled the light waight figure into a small stall and laid the mistery down.

I took off the helmet and there lied a very handsome young boy.

He reminded me of Hiccup. The tall linier shape, and a handsome face.

I missed him so much.

I took off his top and saw a huge gash I've never seen before. Inside was blood and a shiny piece of metal. The metal looked easy to extract from his body. I went for some blankets and some of my medical equipment.

Hiccup's pov:

I was starting to wake up. I slowly opened my eyes. I was in the barn. I looked around and saw some small kids peeking from behind a wall.

"Hey the..." I sat up and felt instant pain. My side was exposed. My top and helmet rested not to far away from me. I leaned back breathing heavy.

"Mrs. Astrid!! He's awake!" The little girl yelled. I remembered that name.

Astrid Hofferson.

Could it be her!? A young lady maybe in her 20s peered around the corner. She held a metal bucket that was filled with warm water and some blankets.

She looked like Astrid. But if it was, would she know me. "Hello sir, I'm Astrid Hofferson, I have medical experience and I want to help you. Could you tell me your name?"

Her voice was like an Angel's voice. She had silky blonde hair braided off to the side. She wore a simple hoodie like top, blue leggings, and some really nice fur boots.

My name. No. No conversations. I can't reveal myself to these strangers. But it was Astrid. I was sure of it.

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