Chapter 2~ The war starts.

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I walked through the woods with my axe stuck to my hands. I was a warrior and a nurse in this war. I traveled with my small group.

In it was Fishlegs, a very pregnant ruffnut, tuffnut, Dagur, Heather, and Snotlout. We have been on the run from the meatheads ever since the start of the war. The Meatheads started this in my opinion but I had no control over it.

The meatheads accused us of stealing their training dragons and we didn't own up to this claim because we didn't do it.

We walked through the snow very quietly trying to reach the barn that rested a few kilometers ahead. A little boy and a young girl rested on the side of the road.

I stopped our group and walked over to them. The girl sat up quick and pulled the little boy behind her. The girl had messy brown hair and pale skin. Her clothes were not fit for the weather and neither were the little boy's clothes.

"Its ok....its ok.... My name is Astrid, im here to help you... What are your names?" I asked  as I bent down in the fresh snow and looked into the girl's eyes. They were ice blue and the iris of the eyes were glossed over in a lighter blue color. "My name is Ingrid, and this is my friend, Kai." The boy stepped forward and waved at me." Do you want to join our group? It will be a lot safer." I whispered and they both nodded.

I stood up in the snow and walked them over to the cart. I picked them up and placed them in the cart as the snow started to fall again.

We saw the barn not to far away and walked up to it. The barn was a dark red but it was in closed and warm. We settled in and I started the fire. Out of no where we all shot up looking at the door.



I flew over Berk looking for survivers from the war. I am known as the Dragon master, after all, I am the first to train a night fury.

I flew over Berk as snow started to fall. I could barely see so I flew closer to the island. To my right I could see a small cart and vikings traveling close to the brown small cart. I slowed down and glided Toothless my Nightfury so I could get a closer look at the strange cart and travelers that accompany it.

Out of no where I heard it.


Then I felt instant pain and us soaring close to the ground. The wind blew so hard I almost couldn't hold on. When we hit the group I flew off of him and landed on the ground. I got up and started to run when I fell onto the ground. I looked down and my left prosthetic was missing. I gathered myself and hopped over to Toothless.

A cave laid close so I hid him in the back of the dark warm cave and left. I hopped tree to tree trying not to fall.

I only had one thought.

'Find the red barn I saw earlier and rest till I could get help.'

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