Truth Meets Lies

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Stiles' POV:
It's September 13, the day mom died. Dad has already drank one bottle of Jack and started off the second one. It's always the same. I notice the cracked door to the attic and the curiosity kicked in. I slowly walk up to the door, trying to make no noise, so my dad doesn't hear me. He never allowed me to go to the attic, but seriously... Who says that to a teenager?! That just makes us want to do the opposite - bad parenting. I accidentally hit one of the boxes with my leg.
"Ouch!"- Okay maybe that was a bit too loud. I hear my dad getting up from the couch and I try to put back everything as fast as I can, but I fail and everything falls down.
"Stiles! What are you doing here?!" - he yells at me, still holding on to the bottle of alcohol. I stay silent, but my eyes flash forward to a file with my name on it. Above name was written "Adoption papers". I grab the document instantly, so I could confront my dad... Noah. "I am adopted. WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME?! And considering you never allowed me here you weren't even PLANING ON TELLING ME!" I didn't even let him explain himself, I just stormed off the house and heard a glass crash behind me "Probably the bottle"
In the rush I forgot the keys to my jeep, so instead I called Scott.

Scott's POV:
I heard my phone ring from the other room, so immediately answered when I saw it was Stiles calling. Last time he called me at this kind of time, he was possessed by the nogitsune.
Sc: "Stiles? Are you okay?"
St: "Well, not really. I kind of need a place to crash for tonight. Would you mind?"
Sc: "No, not at all, but what happened?"
St: "It's a long story. How 'bout I tell you when I get there?"
Sc: "Sure, I' ll leave the door unlocked."

With that he hung up. I couldn't help it, but worry.

He came around 12 AM.
"Stiles! What happened?!"
"Uhm...I'm adopted. The people I thought as my parents lied to me. And Scott... Do you know what today is?"
" Umm... Friday?"
"Twelve years ago, on this date, my mom died. My so called mother died on this very day, that I learn she 's not my actual mom. Ironic."

Stiles looked like he was having a break down, but he held it. He always kept it inside, because he thought that if he didn't, who else would. I didn't like seeing him putting so much pressure on himself. He was my best friend after all... My brother."

Stiles' POV:
I wasn't able to go to sleep up untill 2 AM. It hurt! Yet when I looked at the file I wasn't able to figure out who my biological parents were, as the only thing written on the line was the mother's name - Robin Walker. But... When I searched her name it turned out she died 4 years ago in a car crash.

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