" Please.. Just Go. I don't want any useless, meaningless argument in your Favor."


First the blur vision came in front of her eyes, she blinked her eyes twice to adjust with the broad day light. Her head was feeling heavy, she even felt it difficult to reach her own forehead. Her body has become so weak. She twisted her head only to find a familiar figure standing by window gazing at outside of window. His look appeared so torn out, he looked lost, worried and pale. Her minor sickness can impact him so deeply she did not know before. She gulped down her weakness and tried to sit on bed.


Arnav quickly turned around and found her holding her head trying to get up. He covered the distance between them and held her by her shoulder, Khushi left her head and looked up at his blank expression. Arnav helped her to sit comfortably, making her resting her back. She closed her eyes trying to gain her strength.

" Let me call the doctor first!!"

Before Khushi could say anything, he had already left from there and within a minute or two returned back with doctor. Doctor checked her, stating everything going normal with Khushi he left from there.

" I'm not going to entertain your this kind of sickness further Khushi."

Khushi had never expected she would hear something like so from Arnav after gaining her sense back. Was he complaining for her illness?? He was complaining as if she had borrowed this sickness for her very happily!! Then what about his hiding such a matter from her?? He should taste his own medicines first. The nerve of this man!!

" And I'm not going to entertain your hiding anything from me further in future Raizada!! Here you are not at all allowed to show this behavior, I am the one who actually should not talk to you after this?? Don't show me your this ATTITUDE!!"

Arnav stared at her face for few moments. Even though she was weak, her eyes were still intense so as his sharp gaze. And then not giving her any clue to register anything in her mind he directly touched her lips with his!!


" When did you come to know about him??"

"A Few days back, his sudden interest in Lucknow and Sheeshmahal made me feel fishy so I thought to check on him once just to clarify my doubt and came to know this."

"And this is why you were staying away from me??"

"Because each time I met your eyes, each time I touched you I felt guiltier. Neither I was in a state to tell you nor in a state to hide from you.. So.."

"So you decided to keep yourself away from ME??"

Khushi watched his face, his eyes were looking down. She could see pain in his eyes which made her feel weaker than her physical illness. She remembered his confession at that night regarding his own dilemma to tell her something!! How much it was difficult for him while bearing all these alone, Khushi could only assume.. Can she be angry with him after this?? What would have she done if she had been in his situation?? Would not she have reacted in same way?? And why would she have reacted like that, because she cares for this man the most.. Nothing matters to her in front of him!! So was his situation, his insecurity while dealing with this situation alone. 

She hates it when he bows down in front of her..

Khushi held his hand.

" I want to meet him.."

Arnav looked up at her surprising.

" What??"

Khushi nodded her head.

Arshi FF- My Little Bride (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now