He made a feral noise in the back of his throat and he bent me over onto my hands and knees, him hovering over me.

It was deeper this way, and there was an animalistic side to it that tapped into our wolves. Mason's wolf was an alpha, and this was dominant.

"Yes, Hayley." He moaned into my ear. Then he reared back up and grabbed my hips, pushing into me in a frantic motion. I threw my head back then arched my back, meeting Mason for every movement.

I felt it coming now, I was close. Mason knew, and he leaned over and scraped his fangs along my neck, then bit into his mark. I let out a scream of his name muffled into the pillow and let go. Mason followed, calling my name as a whispered sigh my ear. We collapsed face down onto the bed gasping, then he rolled onto his back, taking me with him.


After catching our breath I sat up to look at him. He moved a strand of my hair from my face and cupped my cheek.

"Was I too rough?" His now dark eyes searched mine , looking for the truth.

I shook my head and smiled at him, then leant down and kissed his lips.

"I liked it. Your eyes are still black."

He laughed slightly, seemingly not surprised.

"My wolf was right on the edge there, you're my Luna and you just attracted, he's at his height of dominance right now. There's few times he'll be more possessive. Well now and when you're pregnant." he smiled.

I blanched, I hadn't even thought about having pups, this had all happened too fast.

Mason saw the shock on my face and sat up, taking my face in his hands.

"Hey, chill it's okay. I'm not saying now, of course not, we've just found each other. We have lots of time, and it can be when you're ready."

The way wolves got pregnant was different than humans, and I was glad that we had the ability to control it.

"Of course. You just caught me off guard, we're only eighteen."

He kissed my forehead, then reached over to the glass of orange juice he'd brought in on his tray.

"Here, I'm sure you're thirsty." he winked.

I smiled and took him from him.

"So, I have a little work I need to do today, pack stuff. But I really don't want away from you, will you join me? It'll be a little boring but..." he looked guilty for wanting me to stay with him, but it really wouldn't be a chore.

"Sure, but I think I need to see my parents. They've given us space but I can imagine how moms acting at how I haven't spoken to her in days."

He nodded, understanding.

"Of course, try not to be too long though, ok? My wolf is kind of... tense."

He rubbed his hand along my arm lovingly.

I agreed and jumped up off the bed, taking the sheet with me to cover myself. Mason sat back and watched me run around collecting my clothes with a smile.

"You know, you could keep stuff here, to stop having to run across all the time."

I raised an eyebrow at him, was he moving me in already?

"It's been a few days and I know you need your space, even if I don't."

"Yeah okay, that'd make sense if I'll be staying here more."

He grinned at me, "I hope you will be."

I threw my dress back on, hoping everyone in the house was out of it enough to not be up at this time. I didn't want to be caught doing the walk to shame out of Mason's room.

I went back over to Mason who was still relaxing on the bed and pecked his lips, "I'll see you soon. Will you be in your office?"

"Yeah, it's a few down from my dads, you know where that is right?"

I nodded and went out the door and he called bye behind me.

My mother was an early riser, 7:30 without fail every day. So I knew she'd be awake, somewhere. She'd spoken about reading in a room at the back of the house that filled with light in the morning, so I was hoping that was where she was.

I got to my room uninterrupted and took a quick shower. Throwing my hair into a messy bun I threw on some clothes and went in search of my mom.

I stopped by the kitchen to make coffee and grabbed a bagel, then went to where I hoped she was.

I found her as I thought she'd be, and she looked up as I entered with a smile on her face.

"I was beginning to wonder when I'd see you again." She joked.

I handed her a cup and sat beside her.

Her eyes went to my mark, and Mason's smell on me would give away our mating.

"So, you've fully mated. Are you okay?" Her eyes were filled with living concern.

"I am, actually I'm great mom. This is all a little daunting though, Luna. Its going to be hard." my eyes went down to my hands wringing in my lap.

She put an arm around my shoulders and brought me into her side.

"I know darling, but you can do it. You were born to do it. You're capable. You wouldn't be his mate if you weren't."

I nodded, agreeing. No matter how scared i was at this challenge i was facing, I had to be capable. Lunas are born to be Lunas.

"Thank you mom. I know it'll work out."

She put her hand in mine and a devilish grin came upon her face.

"So what's he like? Is he nice, good to you? He's very handsome."

I laughed in agreement. "He is, he's really great. He seems like his dad, though I hardly know him really. He's very caring, but he's finding it hard to be separate right now."

"I know, he will be, there's no way around it. And because he's an alpha... well, everything will be heightened."

I took a sip of my coffee while I thought about how his position would affect our relationship.

"I just, as alpha he has more responsibility for the safety than anyone, and the attack that happened... It'll be hard to live with the fear that he's not going to come back every time he leaves. He'll die for every member in this pack."

She squeezed my hand and sighed.

"That's true. But Mason's strong, unbelievably strong. This pack is powerful, and weak leaders don't make powerful packs. He'll be ok."

"Thanks mom, I know he is. I'd better go find him, his wolf angsty with me gone."

"Ok, I'll talk to you soon darling. I'll see you at dinner maybe?"

I agreed and hugged her then left. I stopped by the kitchen again and made Mason a cup of coffee, then realised I didn't know how he took it. We had so much to learn about each other.

I focused my mind and linked to his. He opened to me almost immediately,

How do you take your coffee?

One sugar please, baby. Are you coming up now?


Good, I miss you.

See ya soon.

I added the sugar and went up to the floor of his office.


Hey! Sorry it's been so long. I got lost in where i wanted the story to go. Thank you if you're still reading, and I'd love a comment ,opinion or a vote if you enjoyed it. Thank you!!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 04, 2015 ⏰

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